Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Senate Updated: 12/12/2007 11:17:19 AM


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Premises Tennant Creek Renal Unit, Schmidt St, TENNANT CREEK NT 0860
Division Lingiari
State Northern Territory

Polling Place First Preferences for Special Hospital Team 2
Ticket Candidates Party Votes %
A TICKET VOTES Citizens Electoral Council of Australia 2 6.45
FLYNN, Peter M Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
WORK, Vernon Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
Group Total Citizens Electoral Council 2 6.45
B TICKET VOTES Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 26 83.87
CROSSIN, TrishElected Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 0 0.00
HILL, Kim Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 26 83.87
C TICKET VOTES Australian Democrats 1 3.23
DEAN, Duncan Robert Australian Democrats 0 0.00
FAGGION, Joe Australian Democrats 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Democrats 1 3.23
D TICKET VOTES Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 2 6.45
SCULLION, NigelElected Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 0 0.00
WALLACE, Bernadette Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 0 0.00
Group Total C.L.P. 2 6.45
E TICKET VOTES The Greens 0 0.00
TYLEY, Alan The Greens 0 0.00
GOODLUCK, Gregory The Greens 0 0.00
Group Total The Greens 0 0.00
  ATKINSON, Bernardine M C Independent 0 0.00
Group Total 0 0.00
Formal 31 100.00
Informal 0 0.00
Total 31 0.05



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