Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Senate Updated: 12/12/2007 11:17:21 AM


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Premises Sanderson High School, 60 Matthews Rd, MALAK NT 0812
Division Solomon
State Northern Territory

Polling Place First Preferences for Malak
Ticket Candidates Party Votes %
A TICKET VOTES Citizens Electoral Council of Australia 12 0.85
FLYNN, Peter M Citizens Electoral Council 3 0.21
WORK, Vernon Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
Group Total Citizens Electoral Council 15 1.06
B TICKET VOTES Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 667 47.10
CROSSIN, TrishElected Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 31 2.19
HILL, Kim Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 17 1.20
Group Total Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch 715 50.49
C TICKET VOTES Australian Democrats 19 1.34
DEAN, Duncan Robert Australian Democrats 4 0.28
FAGGION, Joe Australian Democrats 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Democrats 23 1.62
D TICKET VOTES Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 515 36.37
SCULLION, NigelElected Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 18 1.27
WALLACE, Bernadette Northern Territory Country Liberal Party 3 0.21
Group Total C.L.P. 536 37.85
E TICKET VOTES The Greens 111 7.84
TYLEY, Alan The Greens 12 0.85
GOODLUCK, Gregory The Greens 0 0.00
Group Total The Greens 123 8.69
  ATKINSON, Bernardine M C Independent 4 0.28
Group Total 4 0.28
Formal 1,416 97.93
Informal 30 2.07
Total 1,446 2.51



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