Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Senate Updated: 18/12/2007 10:17:49 AM


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Premises Mount Evelyn Reformed Church Hall, Birmingham Rd, MT EVELYN VIC 3796
Division Casey
State Victoria

Polling Place First Preferences for Birmingham
Ticket Candidates Party Votes %
A TICKET VOTES Climate Change Coalition 17 0.49
HOWARD, Ainslie Climate Change Coalition 1 0.03
ROZAIRO, Sashikala Climate Change Coalition 0 0.00
Group Total Climate Change Coalition 18 0.52
B TICKET VOTES One Nation 17 0.49
STEEL, Nick One Nation 0 0.00
SHORE, Daniel One Nation 0 0.00
Group Total One Nation 17 0.49
C TICKET VOTES Australian Democrats 66 1.91
ALLISON, Lyn Australian Democrats 4 0.12
CHIPP, Greg Australian Democrats 0 0.00
McCUBBIN, Jo Australian Democrats 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Democrats 70 2.02
D TICKET VOTES What Women Want (Australia) 17 0.49
LOVE, Madeleine What Women Want (Australia) 3 0.09
THOMPSON, Robyn What Women Want (Australia) 0 0.00
Group Total What Women Want (Australia) 20 0.58
E TICKET VOTES Senator On-Line 1 0.03
ROSE, Robert Senator On-Line 0 0.00
BARRETT, Jenny Senator On-Line 0 0.00
Group Total Senator On-Line 1 0.03
F TICKET VOTES Australian Labor Party 1,183 34.17
COLLINS, JacintaElected Australian Labor Party 7 0.20
MARSHALL, GavinElected Australian Labor Party 2 0.06
FEENEY, DavidElected Australian Labor Party 1 0.03
LEWIS, Marg Australian Labor Party 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Labor Party 1,193 34.46
G TICKET VOTES The Australian Shooters Party 36 1.04
PARKER, Brett The Australian Shooters Party 4 0.12
GRAHAM, Matt The Australian Shooters Party 0 0.00
Group Total The Australian Shooters Party 40 1.16
H TICKET VOTES Liberal/The Nationals 1,443 41.68
FIFIELD, MitchElected Liberal 3 0.09
KROGER, HelenElected Liberal 0 0.00
RYAN, ScottElected Liberal 1 0.03
SWAYN, Simon The Nationals 1 0.03
Group Total Liberal/The Nationals 1,448 41.83
TOSCANO, Joseph 0 0.00
PIERCE, Jude 0 0.00
Group Total 7 0.20
J TICKET VOTES Socialist Equality Party 2 0.06
BYRNE, Peter Socialist Equality Party 0 0.00
BAPTIST, Tania Socialist Equality Party 0 0.00
Group Total Socialist Equality Party 2 0.06
K TICKET VOTES Family First 228 6.59
PLUMRIDGE, Gary Family First 6 0.17
RAWSON, Miriam Family First 0 0.00
PODBURY, Monique Family First 0 0.00
WILLIS, Chris Family First 0 0.00
HEATH, Clare Family First 0 0.00
BOWN SEELEY, Ann Family First 0 0.00
Group Total Family First 234 6.76
CLANCY, Steve LDP 0 0.00
SAW, Geoff LDP 0 0.00
Group Total LDP 0 0.00
M TICKET VOTES Conservatives for Climate and Environment 0 0.00
RASKOVY, Steve Conservatives for Climate and Environment 0 0.00
LEWAND, Viesha Conservatives for Climate and Environment 0 0.00
Group Total Conservatives for Climate and Environment 0 0.00
N TICKET VOTES D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 22 0.64
MULHOLLAND, John D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 0 0.00
FLOOD, Gerry D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 0 0.00
LA MANNA, Pat D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 0 0.00
EVELYN-LIARDET, Teresa D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 0 0.00
WELLS, Ken D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 0 0.00
CREA, Paul D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 1 0.03
Group Total D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party 23 0.66
O TICKET VOTES Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 21 0.61
McDONALD, Ewan Angus Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 1 0.03
CLARNETTE, Dallas Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 0 0.00
Group Total Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 22 0.64
PERKINS, John 0 0.00
CONWAY, Andrew 0 0.00
Group Total 0 0.00
Q TICKET VOTES Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
AFFLECK, Rachel Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
ISHERWOOD, Katherine Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
Group Total Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
R TICKET VOTES Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) 3 0.09
HALL, Brendan Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) 0 0.00
ZABANEH, John Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) 0 0.00
Group Total Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) 3 0.09
S TICKET VOTES Socialist Alliance 1 0.03
WINDISCH, Margarita Socialist Alliance 0 0.00
SMITH, Jeremy Socialist Alliance 0 0.00
Group Total Socialist Alliance 1 0.03
KALINIY, Joseph 1 0.03
MESARITIS, Koulla 0 0.00
Group Total 2 0.06
U TICKET VOTES Australian Greens 328 9.47
DI NATALE, Richard Australian Greens 27 0.78
O'CONNOR, Jenny Australian Greens 1 0.03
BHATHAL, Alexandra Australian Greens 0 0.00
REIHER, Jim Australian Greens 0 0.00
PHAM, Hoa Australian Greens 0 0.00
HENLEY, Emma Australian Greens 2 0.06
Group Total Australian Greens 358 10.34
KLEIN, Tony 0 0.00
KLEIN, Amanda 0 0.00
Group Total 1 0.03
W TICKET VOTES Carers Alliance 2 0.06
RHODES, Junelle Carers Alliance 0 0.00
GIBILISCO, Peter Carers Alliance 0 0.00
KARADIMOS, Patricia Carers Alliance 0 0.00
Group Total Carers Alliance 2 0.06
  WALKER, Norman Independent 0 0.00
O'BRYAN, Darryl Independent 0 0.00
GROVES, Llewellyn John One Nation WA 0 0.00
SENER, Tejay M Independent 0 0.00
Group Total 0 0.00
Formal 3,462 96.97
Informal 108 3.03
Total 3,570 4.00



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