Perth By-election House of Representatives Candidates [Event:22696 Phase:FinalResults Generated:2018-08-29T13:51:05 Cycle:87f0a001-a02c-4322-854f-f1c59ff967b5 Created:2018-08-29T13:42:58 Environment:PROD Site:CANBERRA Server:TALLYROOM Version:] StateAb DivisionID DivisionNm PartyAb PartyNm CandidateID Surname GivenNm Elected HistoricElected WA 245 Perth AJP Animal Justice Party 29995 ARIELLI Nicole N N WA 245 Perth IND Independent 30007 BRITZA Ian N N WA 245 Perth IND Independent 29998 COLLINS Paul N N WA 245 Perth LDP Liberal Democrats 30020 DU PREEZ Wesley N N WA 245 Perth ALP Australian Labor Party 30005 GORMAN Patrick Y N WA 245 Perth IND Independent 30025 GRAYDEN Jim N N WA 245 Perth FUT Science Party 30003 HAMMOND A N N WA 245 Perth APEP Australian People's Party 29985 HARFOUCHE Gabriel N N WA 245 Perth AUC Australian Christians 30009 JOUBERT Ellen N N WA 245 Perth CEC Citizens Electoral Council 29993 MASON Barry N N WA 245 Perth 30031 MATHESON Julie N N WA 245 Perth AMHP The Australian Mental Health Party 29984 MULLINGS Ben N N WA 245 Perth GRN The Greens (WA) 30015 PERKS Caroline N N WA 245 Perth ALA ALA 29987 ROBINSON Tony N N WA 245 Perth SPP Sustainable Australia 29990 SCOTT Colin N N