2022 Federal Election House of Representatives Two Party Preferred Flow of Preferences By Party [Event:27966 Phase:FinalResults Generated:2022-07-19T10:30:12 Cycle:06578790-03c6-4cf4-b786-103cfb915abd Created:2022-07-19T10:24:10 Environment:PROD Site:CANBERRA Server:TALLYROOM Version:] PartyAb PartyNm Liberal/National Coalition Transfer Votes Liberal/National Coalition Transfer Percentage Australian Labor Party Transfer Votes Australian Labor Party Transfer Percentage LP Liberal 15492 90.14 1695 9.86 NP The Nationals 12660 81.44 2885 18.56 XEN Centre Alliance 14513 39.76 21987 60.24 KAP Katter's Australian Party (KAP) 34251 61.31 21612 38.69 GRN The Greens 257566 14.34 1538419 85.66 UAPP United Australia Party 373988 61.86 230548 38.14 IND Independent 281211 36.23 494958 63.77 ON Pauline Hanson's One Nation 467768 64.30 259696 35.70 LDP Liberal Democratic Party 181659 71.81 71304 28.19 CYA Australian Federation Party 32466 56.41 25089 43.59 AJP Animal Justice Party 31736 36.29 55715 63.71 IMO Informed Medical Options Party 13896 53.76 11954 46.24 GAP The Great Australian Party 15891 52.29 14501 47.71 WAP WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 14741 44.32 18522 55.68 VNS Victorian Socialists 4507 16.55 22719 83.45 AUC Australian Christians 15175 76.38 4692 23.62 SOPA FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 4091 30.72 9228 69.28 CEC Australian Citizens Party 2171 44.43 2715 55.57 TNL TNL 2268 35.82 4063 64.18 DHJP Derryn Hinch's Justice Party 3128 48.17 3366 51.83 SAL Socialist Alliance 3035 25.35 8936 74.65 AUVA Australian Values Party 3076 54.71 2546 45.29 JLN Jacqui Lambie Network 9709 40.91 14021 59.09 ASP Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party 10798 58.61 7624 41.39 IAP Indigenous - Aboriginal Party of Australia 3495 47.71 3831 52.29 SPP Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1351 34.95 2515 65.05 AUP Australian Progressives 251 23.61 812 76.39 DPDA Drew Pavlou Democratic Alliance 940 42.44 1275 57.56 TLOC The Local Party of Australia 997 23.44 3257 76.56 AUD Australian Democrats 222 34.10 429 65.90 HMP Legalise Cannabis Australia 2574 42.72 3451 57.28 REAS Reason Australia 281 19.27 1177 80.73 NAFD Non Affiliated 372 38.71 589 61.29 First Preferences 5200602 52.13 4776030 47.87