2022 Federal Election Senate First Preferences By Polling Place for Division 235 [Event:27966 Phase:FinalResults Generated:2022-07-19T10:31:19 Cycle:06578790-03c6-4cf4-b786-103cfb915abd Created:2022-07-19T10:24:10 Environment:PROD Site:CANBERRA Server:TALLYROOM Version:] StateAb DivisionID DivisionNm PollingPlaceID PollingPlaceNm Group CandidateID BallotPosition CandidateDetails PartyNm OrdinaryVotes WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 229 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 13 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 64 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 4 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 59 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 695 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 15 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 5 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 63 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 5 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 55 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 12 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 6 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 35 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 3 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 18 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 455 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 7 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 6 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 16 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 3 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7472 Baldivis ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 46 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 136 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 7 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 4 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 28 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 4 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 30 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 557 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 10 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 56 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 70 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 17 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 11 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 13 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 7 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 140 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 25 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7478 Calista ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 64 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 104 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 18 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 21 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 16 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 495 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 48 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 6 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 58 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 15 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 18 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 11 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 127 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 9 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 2 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 17 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7480 Cooloongup ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 50 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 72 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 8 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 14 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 8 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 339 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 6 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 40 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 4 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 59 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 3 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 12 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 18 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 6 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 97 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 15 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7488 Hillman ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 41 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 167 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 7 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 23 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 25 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 502 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 17 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 8 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 61 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 4 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 4 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 84 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 5 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 15 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 28 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 16 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 8 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 149 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 24 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7496 Medina ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 62 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 127 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 8 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 29 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 31 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 502 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 7 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 51 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 7 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 68 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 11 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 23 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 9 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 154 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 7 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 25 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7501 Parmelia ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 55 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 172 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 12 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 30 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 55 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 521 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 13 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 6 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 65 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 90 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 15 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 5 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 3 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 21 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 18 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 6 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 230 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 4 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 7 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 26 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7503 Rockingham ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 81 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 127 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 16 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 18 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 27 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 433 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 9 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 51 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 4 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 6 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 38 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 8 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 10 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 5 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 18 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 212 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 4 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 6 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 12 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7504 Rockingham North ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 45 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 245 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 17 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 35 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 4 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 48 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 681 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 11 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 13 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 81 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 6 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 67 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 8 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 19 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 21 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 22 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 11 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 359 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 7 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 8 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 2 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 36 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7507 Safety Bay ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 65 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 150 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 6 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 24 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 42 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 464 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 10 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 6 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 49 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 54 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 13 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 14 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 11 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 2 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 5 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 231 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 3 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 3 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 18 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7508 Safety Bay Central ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 57 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 221 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 5 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 45 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 4 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 36 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 512 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 5 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 5 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 71 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 8 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 88 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 7 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 26 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 7 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 26 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 7 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 6 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 16 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 10 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 323 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 6 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 5 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 23 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 2 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7510 Singleton ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 47 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 129 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 9 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 42 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 27 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 422 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 5 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 58 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 60 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 5 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 13 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 18 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 3 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 16 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 256 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 17 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 3 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 7511 Warnbro ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 43 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 185 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 7 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 34 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 4 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 29 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 595 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 5 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 56 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 5 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 66 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 3 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 14 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 4 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 30 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 14 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 2 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 262 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 3 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 6 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 41 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 3 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 11895 Waikiki ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 56 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 156 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 13 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 34 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 9 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 21 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 541 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 10 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 31 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 7 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 82 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 3 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 13 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 4 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 23 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 4 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 19 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 5 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 150 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 3 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 5 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 2 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 23 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 11896 Leda ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 50 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 134 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 13 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 24 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 7 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 28 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 552 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 10 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 7 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 54 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 75 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 15 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 6 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 21 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 13 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 142 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 5 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 22 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31474 Warnbro East ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 48 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 208 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 10 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 42 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 59 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 614 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 11 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 7 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 75 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 102 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 17 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 5 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 27 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 3 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 3 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 25 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 7 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 282 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 4 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 9 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 36 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 4 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 2 WA 235 Brand 31674 Port Kennedy ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 68 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 255 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 16 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 34 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 58 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 4 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 659 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 11 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 3 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 6 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 11 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 80 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 85 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 3 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 46 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 8 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 53 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 25 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 2 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 5 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 439 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 3 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 7 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 35 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 3 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 2 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 32057 Secret Harbour ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 61 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 143 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 14 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 31 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 37 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 364 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 8 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 55 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 48 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 11 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 3 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 4 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 15 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 23 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 6 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 189 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 20 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32064 Golden Bay ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 37 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 64 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 28 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 16 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 234 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 5 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 39 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 33 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 14 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 3 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 16 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 4 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 204 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 12 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 2 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 32585 Wellard ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 29 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 94 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 11 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 12 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 21 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 284 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 10 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 3 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 27 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 37 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 9 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 14 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 12 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 11 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 84 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 13 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34335 Rockingham Central ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 30 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 94 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 24 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 22 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 369 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 7 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 5 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 67 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 55 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 16 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 4 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 20 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 3 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 11 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 6 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 180 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 4 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 4 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 12 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 2 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34336 Port Kennedy East ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 39 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 119 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 7 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 37 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 4 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 52 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 568 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 7 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 47 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 79 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 10 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 5 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 23 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 19 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 203 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 5 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 31 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 34337 Waikiki East ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 50 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 263 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 17 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 41 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 4 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 55 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 710 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 26 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 4 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 78 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 109 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 16 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 4 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 24 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 18 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 314 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 7 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 4 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 5 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 32 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 3 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 38449 Bertram ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 78 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 176 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 13 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 30 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 21 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 496 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 12 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 7 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 44 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 35 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 24 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 10 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 403 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 3 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 3 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 29 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 2 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 46575 Wandi ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 35 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 617 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 26 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 149 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 14 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 178 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 8 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 3605 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 59 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 5 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 4 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 5 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 21 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 6 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 16 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 326 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 23 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 10 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 197 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 7 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 61 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 9 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 13 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 139 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 5 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 16 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 19 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 56 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 5 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 21 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 2110 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 35 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 4 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 17 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 167 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 7 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 9 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 2 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 4 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 2 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 3 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 58768 Rockingham PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 278 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 262 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 6 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 41 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 59 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 748 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 6 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 6 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 77 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 9 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 4 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 83 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 22 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 44 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 16 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 406 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 6 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 4 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 20 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 2 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 64591 Baldivis Central ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 57 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 6 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65586 EAV Brand PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 294 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 15 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 51 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 5 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 89 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 5 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 844 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 16 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 3 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 3 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 5 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 86 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 7 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 93 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 7 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 14 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 35 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 4 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 28 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 5 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 1 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 6 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 415 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 5 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 7 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 21 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65679 Baldivis North ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 98 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 178 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 4 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 25 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 39 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 472 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 5 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 52 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 64 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 19 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 26 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 17 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 8 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 282 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 4 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 25 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 65761 Secret Harbour South ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 29 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 79 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 11 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 19 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 265 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 6 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 27 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 40 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 4 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 6 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 8 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 84 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 3 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 12 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 82974 Cooloongup South ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 31 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 211 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 8 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 48 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 5 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 24 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 506 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 11 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 6 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 3 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 54 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 59 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 12 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 24 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 12 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 3 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 8 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 248 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 3 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 23 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83045 Baldivis East ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 34 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 149 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 8 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 29 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 19 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 514 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 11 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 47 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 5 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 60 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 14 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 4 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 21 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 21 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 6 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 203 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 6 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 24 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83297 Baldivis South ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 49 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 81 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 9 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 13 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 13 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 239 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 3 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 3 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 39 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 36 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 11 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 4 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 14 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 5 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 108 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 11 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83316 Warnbro North ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 21 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 137 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 8 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 22 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 31 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 402 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 9 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 4 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 3 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 33 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 45 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 6 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 12 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 5 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 3 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 23 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 12 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 6 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 158 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 2 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 17 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 4 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83318 Wellard Central ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 35 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 1010 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 38 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 6 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 15 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 6 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 205 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 13 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 285 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 19 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 5059 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 58 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 10 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 9 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 31 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 24 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 484 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 35 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 6 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 10 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 368 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 16 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 3 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 105 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 24 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 6 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 239 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 12 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 12 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 5 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 6 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 6 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 106 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 9 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 5 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 18 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 2852 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 38 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 2 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 25 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 3 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 260 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 5 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 4 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 7 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 7 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83347 Port Kennedy PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 386 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 58 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 4 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 6 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 12 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 284 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 6 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 24 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 25 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 5 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 9 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 5 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 161 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 1 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 12 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 83351 South Lake BRAND PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 15 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 684 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 45 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 7 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 6 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 143 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 7 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 202 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 9 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 3776 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 63 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 6 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 3 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 33 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 2 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 21 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 294 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 22 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 4 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 227 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 8 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 73 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 11 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 147 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 7 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 4 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 13 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 71 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 3 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 30 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 2 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 1894 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 22 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 22 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 3 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 143 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 9 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 6 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 5 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 3 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 2 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 97689 Rockingham Central PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 321 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 611 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 33 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 5 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 9 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 156 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 23 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 3 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 164 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 10 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 2929 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 73 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 8 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 7 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 12 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 11 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 210 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 9 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 10 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 3 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 170 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 4 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 30 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 9 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 6 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 91 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 3 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 8 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 33 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 13 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 970 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 15 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 4 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 13 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 101 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 6 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 2 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 5 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 2 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 4 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 97724 Wellard PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 197 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 168 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 10 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 2 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 41 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 11 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 29 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 502 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 21 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 3 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 28 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 38 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 6 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 5 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 18 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 2 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 9 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 3 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 243 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 5 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 3 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 5 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 16 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 1 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 98173 Wellard South ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 26 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 5 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 2 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 3 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 28 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 3 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 7 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 2 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 21 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 6 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108358 Perth Airport BRAND PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 13 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 1 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 1 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 2 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 6 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108427 Special Hospital Team 1 ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC A 38243 0 A Above-the-line Votes The Greens (WA) 200 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC A 36622 1 COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 7 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC A 36625 2 CLARKE, River The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC A 36629 3 COLLINS, Simone The Greens (WA) 3 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC A 36630 4 CLARKE, Donald The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC A 36633 5 CAHILL, Jordan The Greens (WA) 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC A 36636 6 WALLACE, Alex The Greens (WA) 1 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC B 38242 0 B Above-the-line Votes Australian Christians 50 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC B 36605 1 CRICHTON, Mike Australian Christians 1 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC B 36611 2 GROENEWALD, Maryka Australian Christians 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC C 38244 0 C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 30 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC C 36912 1 McDONALD, James United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC C 36921 2 FORSTER, Rob United Australia Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC D 38251 0 D Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 594 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC D 37101 1 LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 7 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC D 37108 2 STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC D 37114 3 PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 2 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC D 37116 4 HELPS, Vicki Australian Labor Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC E 38260 0 E Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 5 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC E 37738 1 OBORN, Karen Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC E 37740 2 OOSTRYCK, Ryan Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC F 38256 0 F Above-the-line Votes Australian Democrats 4 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC F 37461 1 MITCHELL, Elana Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC F 37462 2 SIMSON, Simon Australian Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC G 38250 0 G Above-the-line Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 41 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC G 37393 1 FILING, Paul Anthony Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC G 37413 2 MUNDY, Sheila Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC H 38258 0 H Above-the-line Votes Socialist Alliance 2 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC H 37735 1 HARLEY, Petrina Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC H 37739 2 SALMON, Alex Socialist Alliance 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC I 38259 0 I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 35 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC I 37658 1 JOHNSON, Nicola Julia Legalise Cannabis Australia 3 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC I 37664 2 PEET, Aaron Legalise Cannabis Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC J 38245 0 J Above-the-line Votes The Great Australian Party 19 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC J 37133 1 CULLETON, Rodney Norman The Great Australian Party 1 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC J 37135 2 VINCI, Samantha Lee The Great Australian Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC K 38246 0 K Above-the-line Votes 1 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC K 37473 1 GEORGATOS, Gerry 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC K 37487 2 KRAKOUER, Megan 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC L 38249 0 L Above-the-line Votes Liberal Democrats 16 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC L 37125 1 FANTINEL, Kate Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC L 37129 2 McLOUGHLIN, Peter Liberal Democrats 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC M 38252 0 M Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 3 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC M 37475 1 KINSELLA, Michelle Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC M 37483 2 LOCKYER, Leanne Informed Medical Options Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC N 38255 0 N Above-the-line Votes Australian Values Party 3 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC N 37463 1 PIZZEY, Rebecca Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC N 37467 2 FITZPATRICK, Kathy Australian Values Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC O 38262 0 O Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 11 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC O 37797 1 DORN, Amanda Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC O 37801 2 McCASKER, Elizabeth Gay Animal Justice Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC P 38253 0 P Above-the-line Votes 2 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC P 37643 1 TINLEY, Cam 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC P 37651 2 AYRE, Tricia 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC Q 38247 0 Q Above-the-line Votes Australian Federation Party 4 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC Q 37081 1 WILYMAN, Judy Australian Federation Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC Q 37087 2 BARRETT, Leanne Australian Federation Party 1 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC R 38241 0 R Above-the-line Votes Liberal 260 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC R 37554 1 CASH, Michaelia Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC R 37558 2 SMITH, Dean Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC R 37560 3 SMALL, Ben Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC R 37565 4 SUFI, Sherry Liberal 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC S 38248 0 S Above-the-line Votes FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 9 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC S 37095 1 VILJOEN, Tim FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC S 37096 2 WOODINGS, Adam FUSION: Science, Pirate, Secular, Climate Emergency 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC T 38261 0 T Above-the-line Votes WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 24 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC T 37745 1 McDOWALL, Matthew WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC T 37746 2 MATHESON, Julie WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC U 38254 0 U Above-the-line Votes Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC U 37533 1 BRAILEY, Denise Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC U 37539 2 ROBINSON, Jean Citizens Party 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC V 38257 0 V Above-the-line Votes Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC V 37535 1 COUNT, Matthew Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC V 37542 2 WATKINS, Dianne Federal ICAC Now 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC UG 37590 1 MURPHY, Ziggi Independent 1 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC UG 37786 2 BUCKLE, Ashley Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC UG 37741 3 McDONALD, Peter Robert Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC UG 37072 4 VAGH, Yunous Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC UG 37756 5 BURDETT, Bob Seniors United Party of Australia 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC UG 37077 6 PEGRUM, Valentine Independent 0 WA 235 Brand 108600 EAV COVID19 Brand PPVC ZZ 0 99 INFORMAL 6