2022 Federal Election

Updated: Wed, 08 Jun 2022 8:55:12 AM AEST

Belconnen FENNER PPVC - polling place

  • Belconnen Community Centre, Swanson Place, BELCONNEN ACT 2617

This table shows the first preferences for each group and candidate for the selected polling place. In this table you will find...

  • the number and percentage of first preference votes received at the selected polling place, by each group and candidate
  • the number of formal and informal votes and the total number of votes received at the selected polling place.


  1. These results are final.


Polling place first preferences for Belconnen FENNER PPVC
Group Candidates Party Votes % Status
A Above-the-line Votes Australian Labor Party 4,776 30.88
GALLAGHER, Katy Australian Labor Party 814 5.26 Elected
NORTHAM, Maddy Australian Labor Party 21 0.14
Group Total Australian Labor Party 5,611 36.28
B Above-the-line Votes Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 50 0.32
ANGEL, Joy Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 21 0.14
HAYDON, John Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 4 0.03
Group Total Sustainable Australia Party - Stop Overdevelopment / Corruption 75 0.48
C Above-the-line Votes United Australia Party 304 1.97
SAVOULIDIS, James United Australia Party 45 0.29
PAGE, Tracey United Australia Party 6 0.04
Group Total United Australia Party 355 2.30
D Above-the-line Votes Liberal 3,819 24.69
SESELJA, Zed Liberal 311 2.01
LAM, Kacey Liberal 33 0.21
Group Total Liberal 4,163 26.92
E Above-the-line Votes David Pocock 2,140 13.84
POCOCK, David David Pocock 670 4.33 Elected
DOUBE, Clare David Pocock 1 0.01
Group Total David Pocock 2,811 18.18
F Above-the-line Votes Kim for Canberra 354 2.29
RUBENSTEIN, Kim Kim for Canberra 196 1.27
HUYNH, Kim Kim for Canberra 6 0.04
Group Total Kim for Canberra 556 3.59
G Above-the-line Votes Australian Progressives 19 0.12
FAULKNER, Therese Australian Progressives 8 0.05
LIN, Stephen Australian Progressives 3 0.02
Group Total Australian Progressives 30 0.19
H Above-the-line Votes The Greens 1,194 7.72
GORENG GORENG, Tjanara The Greens 216 1.40
CRUZ, James The Greens 26 0.17
Group Total The Greens 1,436 9.28
I Above-the-line Votes Legalise Cannabis Australia 200 1.29
KATELARIS, Andrew Legalise Cannabis Australia 18 0.12
STANVIC, Michelle Legalise Cannabis Australia 5 0.03
Group Total Legalise Cannabis Australia 223 1.44
J Above-the-line Votes Animal Justice Party 75 0.48
del VALLE, Yana Animal Justice Party 9 0.06
FAHIZ, Jannah Animal Justice Party 3 0.02
Group Total Animal Justice Party 87 0.56
K Above-the-line Votes Informed Medical Options Party 59 0.38
SIMMS, Michael Informed Medical Options Party 14 0.09
LIDDICOAT, Mary-Jane Informed Medical Options Party 5 0.03
Group Total Informed Medical Options Party 78 0.50
  LI, Fuxin Independent 41 0.27
Group Total   41 0.27
Formal 15,466 97.93  
Informal 327 2.07  
Total 15,793 15.41