2022 Federal Election

Updated: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:11:53 AM AEST

Senators elected

The data provided in this table can be filtered by geographical location by selecting the different state/territory buttons.

Selecting 'national' will return all available data.

This table provides the Senators elected in each state and territory as well as the order that they were elected in for that state or territory.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. These results are final.


Senators elected in all states and territories
State Senator Party Order elected
ACT GALLAGHER, Katy Australian Labor Party 1
ACT POCOCK, David David Pocock 2
NSW PAYNE, Marise Liberal 1
NSW O'NEILL, Deborah Labor 2
NSW CADELL, Ross The Nationals 3
NSW McALLISTER, Jenny Labor 4
NSW SHOEBRIDGE, David The Greens 5
NSW MOLAN, Jim Liberal 6
NT McCARTHY, Malarndirri A.L.P. 1
NT PRICE, Jacinta Nampijinpa NT CLP 2
QLD McGRATH, James Liberal National Party of Queensland 1
QLD WATT, Murray Australian Labor Party 2
QLD CANAVAN, Matt Liberal National Party of Queensland 3
QLD ALLMAN-PAYNE, Penny Queensland Greens 4
QLD HANSON, Pauline Pauline Hanson's One Nation 5
QLD CHISHOLM, Anthony Australian Labor Party 6
SA BIRMINGHAM, Simon Liberal 1
SA WONG, Penny Australian Labor Party 2
SA McLACHLAN, Andrew Liberal 3
SA FARRELL, Don Australian Labor Party 4
SA POCOCK, Barbara The Greens 5
SA LIDDLE, Kerrynne Liberal 6
TAS DUNIAM, Jonno Liberal 1
TAS URQUHART, Anne Australian Labor Party 2
TAS WHISH-WILSON, Peter The Greens 3
TAS POLLEY, Helen Australian Labor Party 4
TAS ASKEW, Wendy Liberal 5
TAS TYRRELL, Tammy Jacqui Lambie Network 6
VIC HENDERSON, Sarah Liberal 1
VIC WHITE, Linda Australian Labor Party 2
VIC McKENZIE, Bridget The Nationals 3
VIC STEWART, Jana Australian Labor Party 4
VIC THORPE, Lidia The Greens 5
VIC BABET, Ralph United Australia Party 6
WA LINES, Sue Australian Labor Party 1
WA CASH, Michaelia Liberal 2
WA STERLE, Glenn Australian Labor Party 3
WA SMITH, Dean Liberal 4
WA COX, Dorinda The Greens (WA) 5
WA PAYMAN, Fatima Australian Labor Party 6

For more information about the elected senators and full Senate please visit the Parliament of Australia website at www.aph.gov.au.