Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: 9/11/2005 10:22:05 AM


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Two Candidate Preferred By Polling Place
Polling Place Formal PROSSER, Geoff
SMITH, Tresslyn
Australian Labor Party
Votes % Votes %
Acton Park 143 111 77.62 32 22.38 -2.01
Alexandra Bridge 123 103 83.74 20 16.26 -0.32
Allanson 285 133 46.67 152 53.33 7.58
Augusta 805 527 65.47 278 34.53 -3.17
Australind 2,838 1,785 62.90 1,053 37.10 2.40
Australind East 386 256 66.32 130 33.68 6.23
Australind North 481 283 58.84 198 41.16 2.56
Balingup 329 171 51.98 158 48.02 -4.27
Binningup 519 341 65.70 178 34.30 1.43
Boyanup 649 423 65.18 226 34.82 5.06
Bridgetown 1,506 899 59.69 607 40.31 4.81
Brookhampton 118 94 79.66 24 20.34 -0.03
Brunswick 674 448 66.47 226 33.53 -0.11
Bunbury 1,251 741 59.23 510 40.77 2.26
Bunbury Central 1,037 626 60.37 411 39.63 0.97
Bunbury East 1,947 1,124 57.73 823 42.27 2.85
Burekup 384 251 65.36 133 34.64 -0.70
Busselton 1,667 1,093 65.57 574 34.43 2.70
Busselton East 1,448 1,006 69.48 442 30.52 3.61
Busselton South 1,686 1,095 64.95 591 35.05 2.54
Busselton West 2,633 1,746 66.31 887 33.69 2.41
Capel 1,309 809 61.80 500 38.20 3.83
Carbunup River 290 216 74.48 74 25.52 3.62
Carey Park 1,921 934 48.62 987 51.38 5.49
Carey Park South 1,061 534 50.33 527 49.67 2.91
Clifton Park 639 382 59.78 257 40.22 -0.99
Collie 714 283 39.64 431 60.36 3.77
Collie Central 1,428 552 38.66 876 61.34 6.20
Collie East 810 322 39.75 488 60.25 4.73
Collie North 677 277 40.92 400 59.08 7.32
Coral Park 2,141 1,233 57.59 908 42.41 7.64
Cowaramup 608 377 62.01 231 37.99 -2.40
Dalyellup 877 607 69.21 270 30.79 13.97
Dardanup 752 550 73.14 202 26.86 4.13
Deanmill 133 108 81.20 25 18.80 9.22
Donnybrook 1,440 955 66.32 485 33.68 2.51
Dunsborough 2,017 1,343 66.58 674 33.42 1.72
Eaton 2,648 1,559 58.87 1,089 41.13 2.39
Eaton East 1,029 615 59.77 414 40.23 6.84
Elgin 138 105 76.09 33 23.91 0.93
Ferguson 177 120 67.80 57 32.20 -1.68
Gelorup 1,171 751 64.13 420 35.87 1.16
Greenbushes 330 203 61.52 127 38.48 2.49
Harvey 2,042 1,255 61.46 787 38.54 3.20
Karridale 168 104 61.90 64 38.10 6.51
Kirup 211 119 56.40 92 43.60 -10.13
Kudardup 182 113 62.09 69 37.91 1.66
Leschenault 732 449 61.34 283 38.66 5.44
Lowden 189 126 66.67 63 33.33 -2.37
Manjimup 2,089 1,499 71.76 590 28.24 1.58
Manjimup East 642 472 73.52 170 26.48 0.95
Margaret River 2,358 1,220 51.74 1,138 48.26 0.18
Middlesex 112 87 77.68 25 22.32 3.80
Nannup 644 391 60.71 253 39.29 -2.73
Northcliffe 354 202 57.06 152 42.94 1.39
Pemberton 756 536 70.90 220 29.10 -0.03
Perth (Forrest) 87 47 54.02 40 45.98 -4.47
Picton 866 512 59.12 354 40.88 3.48
Quinninup 96 50 52.08 46 47.92 -12.00
Rosa Brook 144 96 66.67 48 33.33 -2.12
Rottnest (Forrest) 24 18 75.00 6 25.00 25.00
Sealinks 340 218 64.12 122 35.88 0.61
South Bunbury 1,449 817 56.38 632 43.62 5.49
South West Health Campus 386 233 60.36 153 39.64 7.66
Special Hospital Team 1 39 30 76.92 9 23.08 13.76
Special Hospital Team 2 248 165 66.53 83 33.47 3.96
Special Hospital Team 3 50 37 74.00 13 26.00 11.10
Special Hospital Team 4 54 13 24.07 41 75.93 -39.01
Special Hospital Team 5 17 15 88.24 2 11.76 25.74
Special Hospital Team 6 39 31 79.49 8 20.51 16.80
Special Hospital Team 7 27 13 48.15 14 51.85 -14.71
Vasse 855 621 72.63 234 27.37 1.88
Villa Maria 385 268 69.61 117 30.39 0.86
Walpole 316 183 57.91 133 42.09 -2.99
Wilson Park 340 132 38.82 208 61.18 7.46
Witchcliffe 389 242 62.21 147 37.79 -3.10
Withers 1,842 966 52.44 876 47.56 7.85
Wollaston 849 513 60.42 336 39.58 4.23
Yallingup 423 233 55.08 190 44.92 -0.80
Yarloop 386 248 64.25 138 35.75 3.54
Yoongarillup 225 190 84.44 35 15.56 3.74
Yornup 155 132 85.16 23 14.84 12.60
ABSENT 6,606 3,883 58.78 2,723 41.22 58.78
PRE_POLL 4,028 2,375 58.96 1,653 41.04 58.96
POSTAL 2,016 1,257 62.35 759 37.65 62.35
PROVISIONAL 1,157 669 57.82 488 42.18 57.82
DIVISION TOTAL 77,536 46,871 60.45 30,665 39.55 2.84



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