Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: 29/09/2010 4:50:00 PM


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Divisions not being contested by their incumbent for all states and territories
State Division Incumbent Party
ACT Canberra BRODTMANN, G Australian Labor Party
ACT Fraser LEIGH, A Australian Labor Party
NSW Chifley HUSIC, E Australian Labor Party
NSW Greenway ROWLAND, M Liberal
NSW Hughes KELLY, C Liberal
NSW Lyne OAKESHOTT, R The Nationals
NSW Macarthur MATHESON, R Liberal
NSW Macquarie MARKUS, L Australian Labor Party
NSW Robertson O'NEILL, D Australian Labor Party
NSW Throsby JONES, S Australian Labor Party
QLD Dawson CHRISTENSEN, G Australian Labor Party
QLD Herbert JONES, E Liberal National Party of Queensland
QLD McPherson ANDREWS, K Liberal National Party of Queensland
QLD Ryan PRENTICE, J Liberal National Party of Queensland
TAS Bass LYONS, G Australian Labor Party
TAS Denison WILKIE, A Australian Labor Party
VIC Aston TUDGE, A Liberal
VIC Kooyong FRYDENBERG, J Liberal
VIC McEwen MITCHELL, R Liberal
VIC Melbourne BANDT, A Australian Labor Party
VIC Wannon TEHAN, D Liberal
NSW Riverina MCCORMACK, M The Nationals
WA Durack HAASE, B



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