Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: Thursday, 27 February 2014 05:44:08 PM


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Two Candidate Preferred Preference Flow
Candidate Party BUTLER, Terri
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
Liberal National Party of Queensland
Votes % Votes %
LAWRENCE, Timothy Stable Population Party 483 72.52 183 27.48
EBBS, Geoff The Greens 6,765 88.61 870 11.39
WILLIAMS, Christopher David Family First Party 283 38.82 446 61.18
BOELE, Karel Independent 334 66.27 170 33.73
ACKROYD, Anthony Bullet Train For Australia 402 66.78 200 33.22
REID, Anne Secular Party of Australia 334 78.77 90 21.23
THOMAS, Melanie Rose Pirate Party Australia 835 71.25 337 28.75
WINDSOR, Travis James Independent 352 53.66 304 46.34
SAWYER, Ray Katter's Australian Party 418 50.91 403 49.09
FIRST PREFERENCES 30,023 46.54 34,491 53.46
TOTAL 40,229 51.76 37,494 48.24



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