2016 Federal Election

Updated: Tue, 02 Aug 2016 9:08:32 AM AEST

Higgins, VIC

Created with Highcharts 4.1.9Two candidate preferred (TCP) for Higgins (VIC)57.99 % O'DWYER, Kelly42.01 % BALL, Jason

This table provides the current two candidate preferred (TCP) count for the division. The data includes swing - a comparison of the percentage of TCP votes received at the previous federal election compared to the current federal election.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only - votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. The term 'Previous election' may not relate to actual results from the last event. Redistributions of electoral boundaries are taken into account and may produce notional results for any electoral division in a redistributed state or territory. See www.aec.gov.au/redistribution for further information.
  3. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred (TCP) for Higgins (VIC)
Candidate Party Votes Margin This election (%) Previous election (%) Swing (%) Status
O'DWYER, KellyLiberal52,35914,42757.990.00+57.99Elected
BALL, JasonThe Greens37,932-14,42742.010.00+42.01 

This table provides the number of first preference votes received for all candidates in the division. The data includes swing - a comparison of the percentage of first preference votes received at the previous federal election compared to the current federal election.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. These results are final.
First preference count for the division of Higgins (VIC)
Candidate Party Votes % Swing (%) Status
O'BRIEN, Rebecca Marriage Equality 1,265 1.40 +1.40  
TREGEAR, Jessica Derryn Hinch's Justice Party 1,264 1.40 +1.40  
O'DWYER, Kelly Liberal 46,953 52.00 -2.37 Elected
BALL, Jason The Greens 22,870 25.33 +8.53  
KENNEDY, Robert Liberal Democrats 1,093 1.21 +1.21  
KATTER, Carl Australian Labor Party 13,495 14.95 -9.13  
BASSETT, Nancy Nick Xenophon Team 2,007 2.22 +2.22  
GULLONE, Eleonora Animal Justice Party 1,344 1.49 +1.49  
...... Family First Party 0 0.00 -0.85  
...... Rise Up Australia Party 0 0.00 -0.41  
...... Palmer United Party 0 0.00 -1.59  
...... Other 0 0.00 -1.90  
Formal   90,291 96.22 -0.20  
Informal   3,550 3.78 +0.20  
Total   93,841  

Two party preferred
Party / Coalition Votes % Swing
Liberal/National Coalition 54,798 60.69 +0.76
Australian Labor Party 35,493 39.31 -0.76

This table provides the number and percentage breakdown of first preference votes received by vote type for the division.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. An ordinary vote is a vote cast by an elector when their name can be verified on the electoral roll at the place of voting. This can be at an early voting centre or polling place in the voter's own division or at an interstate voting centre.
  2. An absent vote is a vote cast at a polling place outside of a voter's electoral division, but still within their state or territory.
  3. Provisional votes are votes cast at a polling place where the elector's name cannot be found on the roll, the elector's name has already been marked off the roll or votes cast by a silent elector.
  4. These results are final.
First preferences by vote type
Candidate Party Ordinary Absent Provisional Declaration pre-poll Postal Total Status
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
O'BRIEN, Rebecca Marriage Equality 751 1.14 134 2.38 17 4.26 157 2.76 206 1.62 1,265 1.40  
TREGEAR, Jessica Derryn Hinch's Justice Party 790 1.20 123 2.19 3 0.75 76 1.34 272 2.14 1,264 1.40  
O'DWYER, Kelly Liberal 33,953 51.52 2,473 44.01 169 42.36 2,675 47.05 7,683 60.54 46,953 52.00 Elected
BALL, Jason The Greens 17,369 26.36 1,616 28.76 106 26.57 1,611 28.33 2,168 17.08 22,870 25.33  
KENNEDY, Robert Liberal Democrats 754 1.14 85 1.51 7 1.75 91 1.60 156 1.23 1,093 1.21  
KATTER, Carl Australian Labor Party 9,976 15.14 952 16.94 78 19.55 853 15.00 1,636 12.89 13,495 14.95  
BASSETT, Nancy Nick Xenophon Team 1,396 2.12 125 2.22 11 2.76 123 2.16 352 2.77 2,007 2.22  
GULLONE, Eleonora Animal Justice Party 908 1.38 111 1.98 8 2.01 100 1.76 217 1.71 1,344 1.49  
Formal   65,897 95.95 5,619 95.32 399 96.61 5,686 96.68 12,690 97.84 90,291 96.22  
Informal   2,785 4.05 276 4.68 14 3.39 195 3.32 280 2.16 3,550 3.78  
Total   68,682 73.19 5,895 6.28 413 0.44 5,881 6.27 12,970 13.82 93,841 89.65  

This table provides the number and percentage breakdown of two candidate preferred (TCP) votes received by vote type for the division.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only ' votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. An ordinary vote is a vote cast by an elector when their name can be verified on the electoral roll at the place of voting. This can be at an early voting centre or polling place in the voter's own division or at an interstate voting centre.
  3. An absent vote is a vote cast at a polling place outside of a voter's electoral division, but still within their state or territory.
  4. Provisional votes are votes cast at a polling place where the elector's name cannot be found on the roll, the elector's name has already been marked off the roll or votes cast by a silent elector.
  5. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred result by vote type
Candidate Party Ordinary Absent Provisional Declaration pre-poll Postal Total Status
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
O'DWYER, Kelly Liberal 37,538 56.96 2,884 51.33 208 52.13 3,089 54.33 8,640 68.09 52,359 57.99 Elected
BALL, Jason The Greens 28,359 43.04 2,735 48.67 191 47.87 2,597 45.67 4,050 31.91 37,932 42.01  

This table provides a list of the polling places in the division and the time and date of the most recent updated results for that polling place.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers and you can find polling place results by selecting on the name of the polling place.


  1. These results are final.
Polling places for Higgins (VIC)
Polling place Street address First preference returned Two candidate preferred (TCP) returned
Armadale Armadale Primary School, Densham Rd, ARMADALE VIC 3143 Wed, 06 Jul 2016 10:59:16 AM AEST Wed, 06 Jul 2016 10:59:16 AM AEST
Ashburton Ashburton Primary School, Fakenham Road, ASHBURTON VIC 3147 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 9:47:21 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 9:47:21 AM AEST
BLV Higgins PPVC BLV Higgins, 695 Burke Rd, CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 Mon, 11 Jul 2016 10:16:01 AM AEST Mon, 11 Jul 2016 10:16:01 AM AEST
Burwood Alfred Road Pre School, 48a Alfred Rd, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 9:52:18 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 9:52:18 AM AEST
Burwood West Melbourne Chinese Christian Church, 29 Summerhill Rd, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 1:19:45 PM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 1:19:45 PM AEST
Camberwell South (Higgins) Camberwell South Primary School, Peate Avenue, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 Thu, 07 Jul 2016 11:36:59 AM AEST Thu, 07 Jul 2016 11:36:59 AM AEST
Carnegie Carnegie Primary School, Cnr Truganini Road & Graceburn Ave, CARNEGIE VIC 3163 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 9:57:35 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 9:57:35 AM AEST
Carnegie East (Higgins) St Peter's Hall, 371 Neerim Road, CARNEGIE VIC 3163 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:04:10 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:04:10 AM AEST
Carnegie North First Malvern Scout Hall, Cooinda Pl, Belgrave Rd, MALVERN EAST VIC 3145 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:09:29 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:09:29 AM AEST
Carnegie Upper St Anthony's Primary School, cnr Neerim & Grange Rds, GLENHUNTLY VIC 3163 Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:32:49 PM AEST Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:32:49 PM AEST
Chadstone Malvern Valley Primary School, Abbotsford Ave, MALVERN EAST VIC 3145 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 1:15:50 PM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 1:15:50 PM AEST
Darling Sacre Coeur Girls School, 172 Burke Rd, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:16:50 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:16:50 AM AEST
Divisional Office (PREPOLL) Divisional Office, Level 2, 695 Burke Rd, CAMBERWELL VIC 3124 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:15:42 PM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:15:42 PM AEST
Fawkner Park (Higgins) South Yarra Primary School, cnr Punt Rd & Pasley St North, SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:20:09 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:20:09 AM AEST
Gardiner Gardiner Church of Christ, 1542 Malvern Road, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:48:49 PM AEST Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:48:49 PM AEST
Glenhuntly East (Higgins) Glenhuntly Primary School, cnr Grange Rd & Garden Ave, CARNEGIE VIC 3163 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:30:16 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:30:16 AM AEST
Glen Iris Glen Iris Road Uniting Church, Glen Iris Rd, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:23:21 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:23:21 AM AEST
Glen Iris South Solway Primary School, Winton Rd, ASHBURTON VIC 3147 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:26:24 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:26:24 AM AEST
Hawksburn Toorak-South Yarra Library, 340 Toorak Rd, SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:32:54 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:32:54 AM AEST
Hawksburn Central South Yarra Community Baptist Church, 12 Surrey Rd, SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:37:22 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:37:22 AM AEST
Hawthorn HIGGINS PPVC 1/191 Riversdale Rd, HAWTHORN VIC 3122 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:27:41 PM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:27:41 PM AEST
Malvern Malvern Central School, Spring Road, MALVERN VIC 3144 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:40:05 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:40:05 AM AEST
Malvern Central Presbyterian Church Hall, 161 Wattletree Rd, MALVERN VIC 3144 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:42:34 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:42:34 AM AEST
Malvern East Malvern East Primary School, Lloyd St, MALVERN EAST VIC 3145 Tue, 02 Aug 2016 8:47:05 AM AEST Tue, 02 Aug 2016 8:47:05 AM AEST
Malvern HIGGINS PPVC St George's Church Hall, 296 Glenferrie Rd, MALVERN VIC 3144 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:51:24 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:51:24 AM AEST
Malvern Lower Lauriston Girls School, 38 Huntingtower Rd, ARMADALE VIC 3143 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:59:33 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 10:59:33 AM AEST
Malvern South Malvern Primary School, 17 Tooronga Rd, MALVERN EAST VIC 3145 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:02:30 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:02:30 AM AEST
Malvern West Malvern Memorial Kindergarten, 15 Orchard St, ARMADALE VIC 3143 Thu, 28 Jul 2016 2:56:35 PM AEST Thu, 28 Jul 2016 2:56:35 PM AEST
Melbourne (Higgins) Melbourne City Town Hall, 90-130 Swanston St, MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Wed, 13 Jul 2016 11:14:22 AM AEST Wed, 13 Jul 2016 11:14:22 AM AEST
Murrumbeena Murrumbeena Primary School, Hobart Rd, MURRUMBEENA VIC 3163 Tue, 02 Aug 2016 8:58:42 AM AEST Tue, 02 Aug 2016 8:58:42 AM AEST
Murrumbeena South (Higgins) St Patrick's, 3 Dalny Rd, MURRUMBEENA VIC 3163 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:05:12 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:05:12 AM AEST
Oakleigh (Higgins) Oakleigh Primary School, cnr Warrigal Rd & Logie St, OAKLEIGH VIC 3166 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 5:56:44 PM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 5:56:44 PM AEST
Oakleigh HIGGINS PPVC Masonic Hall, 150 Drummond St, OAKLEIGH VIC 3166 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:08:42 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:08:42 AM AEST
Orrong Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School, 7 Wynnstay St, PRAHRAN VIC 3181 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 3:00:18 PM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 3:00:18 PM AEST
Prahran Grattan Gardens Community Centre, 40 Grattan St, PRAHRAN VIC 3181 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:13:02 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:13:02 AM AEST
Prahran East Prahran RSL Memorial Hall, 301 High Street, PRAHRAN VIC 3181 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:16:23 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:16:23 AM AEST
South Yarra Renown Kindergarten, 20 Cliff St, SOUTH YARRA VIC 3141 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:27:06 AM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:27:06 AM AEST
Special Hospital Team 1 Multiple sites, VIC Thu, 28 Jul 2016 9:37:26 AM AEST Thu, 28 Jul 2016 9:37:26 AM AEST
Special Hospital Team 2 Multiple sites, VIC Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:08:43 PM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:08:43 PM AEST
Special Hospital Team 3 St Francis Xavier Cabrini, 183 Wattletree Rd, MALVERN VIC 3144 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:11:06 PM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:11:06 PM AEST
Special Hospital Team 4 St Francis Xavier Cabrini, 183 Wattletree Rd, MALVERN VIC 3144 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:12:54 PM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 6:12:54 PM AEST
Toorak Toorak Uniting Church, 603 Toorak Rd, TOORAK VIC 3142 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:29:31 AM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:29:31 AM AEST
Toorak Central Toorak Primary School, Canterbury Rd, TOORAK VIC 3142 Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:33:16 AM AEST Fri, 08 Jul 2016 11:33:16 AM AEST
Toorak West Geelong Grammar School (Toorak Campus), Douglas St, TOORAK VIC 3142 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:19:03 AM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:19:03 AM AEST
Windsor Kardinia Church, 61-71 McIlwrick St, WINDSOR VIC 3181 Fri, 29 Jul 2016 1:23:33 PM AEST Fri, 29 Jul 2016 1:23:33 PM AEST

This table provides the current two candidate preferred (TCP) count for each polling place in the division. The data includes swing - a comparison of the percentage of TCP votes received at the previous federal election compared to the current federal election.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers and you can find polling place results by selecting on the name of the polling place.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only - votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred by polling place
Polling place Formal O'DWYER, Kelly
BALL, Jason
The Greens
Votes % Votes %
Armadale 1,347 819 60.80 528 39.20 60.80
Ashburton 1,952 1,045 53.53 907 46.47 53.53
BLV Higgins PPVC 21 7 33.33 14 66.67 33.33
Burwood 937 547 58.38 390 41.62 58.38
Burwood West 1,373 759 55.28 614 44.72 55.28
Camberwell South (Higgins) 1,269 793 62.49 476 37.51 62.49
Carnegie 1,764 798 45.24 966 54.76 45.24
Carnegie East (Higgins) 1,320 641 48.56 679 51.44 48.56
Carnegie North 1,177 647 54.97 530 45.03 54.97
Carnegie Upper 961 487 50.68 474 49.32 50.68
Chadstone 1,536 835 54.36 701 45.64 54.36
Darling 1,284 812 63.24 472 36.76 63.24
Divisional Office (PREPOLL) 190 101 53.16 89 46.84 53.16
Fawkner Park (Higgins) 1,278 616 48.20 662 51.80 48.20
Gardiner 1,377 712 51.71 665 48.29 51.71
Glen Iris 1,806 1,120 62.02 686 37.98 62.02
Glen Iris South 1,703 890 52.26 813 47.74 52.26
Glenhuntly East (Higgins) 1,169 538 46.02 631 53.98 46.02
Hawksburn 2,780 1,391 50.04 1,389 49.96 50.04
Hawksburn Central 1,188 532 44.78 656 55.22 44.78
Hawthorn HIGGINS PPVC 1,420 833 58.66 587 41.34 58.66
Malvern 2,163 1,347 62.27 816 37.73 62.27
Malvern Central 973 502 51.59 471 48.41 51.59
Malvern East 2,463 1,443 58.59 1,020 41.41 58.59
Malvern HIGGINS PPVC 12,535 8,460 67.49 4,075 32.51 67.49
Malvern Lower 1,138 821 72.14 317 27.86 72.14
Malvern South 1,910 1,177 61.62 733 38.38 61.62
Malvern West 755 417 55.23 338 44.77 55.23
Melbourne (Higgins) 173 63 36.42 110 63.58 36.42
Murrumbeena 1,470 777 52.86 693 47.14 52.86
Murrumbeena South (Higgins) 877 500 57.01 377 42.99 57.01
Oakleigh (Higgins) 496 247 49.80 249 50.20 49.80
Oakleigh HIGGINS PPVC 2,462 1,313 53.33 1,149 46.67 53.33
Orrong 1,296 623 48.07 673 51.93 48.07
Prahran 1,583 635 40.11 948 59.89 40.11
Prahran East 1,810 710 39.23 1,100 60.77 39.23
South Yarra 749 331 44.19 418 55.81 44.19
Special Hospital Team 1 126 97 76.98 29 23.02 76.98
Special Hospital Team 2 87 64 73.56 23 26.44 73.56
Special Hospital Team 3 4 4 100.00 0 0.00 100.00
Special Hospital Team 4 10 6 60.00 4 40.00 60.00
Toorak 1,556 1,158 74.42 398 25.58 74.42
Toorak Central 1,226 745 60.77 481 39.23 60.77
Toorak West 1,145 840 73.36 305 26.64 73.36
Windsor 1,038 335 32.27 703 67.73 32.27
ABSENT 5,619 2,884 51.33 2,735 48.67 0.00
PRE_POLL 5,686 3,089 54.33 2,597 45.67 0.00
POSTAL 12,690 8,640 68.09 4,050 31.91 0.00
PROVISIONAL 399 208 52.13 191 47.87 0.00
Division Total 90,291 52,359 57.99 37,932 42.01 57.99

This table provides the full distribution of preferences by count for the division. The data includes the number and percentage of votes for each candidate at each count.


  1. These results are final.
Full distribution of preferences

This table provides the number and percentage of preferences to each two candidate preferred (TCP) candidate. The data includes which other candidate the preferences came from.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only - votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred preference flow
Candidate Party O'DWYER, Kelly
BALL, Jason
The Greens
Votes % Votes %
O'BRIEN, RebeccaMarriage Equality51240.4775359.53
TREGEAR, JessicaDerryn Hinch's Justice Party71956.8854543.12
KENNEDY, RobertLiberal Democrats79572.7429827.26
KATTER, CarlAustralian Labor Party2,13515.8211,36084.18
BASSETT, NancyNick Xenophon Team83641.651,17158.35
GULLONE, EleonoraAnimal Justice Party40930.4393569.57
First Preferences 46,953 67.25 22,870 32.75
Total 52,359 57.99 37,932 42.01

Profile of division of Higgins (VIC)
Elected member O'Dwyer, K (LP). Elected 2009.
Name derivation Named after Henry Higgins 1851-1929, Member of the House of Representatives 1901-06, Justice of the High Court 1906-29 and President of the new Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Court 1907-21.
First proclaimed / election 1948/1949
Area 40 sq. kms
Demographic Inner Metropolitan
Pre-Election seat status Fairly Safe
Seat status Fairly Safe
Location The Division of Higgins is located in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs. It covers an area of approximately 40 sq km from Hughesdale in the south-east, South Yarra and Toorak in the north-west, Windsor in the south-west and Ashburton and Glen Iris in the east. The main suburbs include Armadale, Ashburton, Kooyong, Malvern, Malvern East, Prahran and Toorak along with parts of Carnegie, Glen Iris, Hughesdale, Murrumbeena, South Yarra and Windsor.
Products and Industry The division is mainly residential, with retail and commercial interests in a number of suburbs.