Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: 9/11/2005 10:22:08 AM


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Seats which have changed hands for all states and territories
Division State Previous Party Successful Candidate Successful Party
Adelaide SA Liberal ELLIS, Kate Australian Labor Party
Bass TAS Australian Labor Party FERGUSON, Michael Liberal
Bowman QLD Australian Labor Party LAMING, Andrew Liberal
Braddon TAS Australian Labor Party BAKER, Mark Liberal
Greenway NSW Australian Labor Party MARKUS, Louise Liberal
Hasluck WA Australian Labor Party HENRY, Stuart Liberal
Hindmarsh SA Liberal GEORGANAS, Steve Australian Labor Party
Kingston SA Australian Labor Party RICHARDSON, Kym Liberal
McMillan VIC Australian Labor Party BROADBENT, Russell Liberal
Parramatta NSW Liberal OWENS, Julie Australian Labor Party
Richmond NSW The Nationals ELLIOT, Justine Australian Labor Party
Stirling WA Australian Labor Party KEENAN, Michael Liberal



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