Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Senate Updated: 9/11/2005 10:18:11 AM


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First Preferences By Vote Type for the Australian Capital Territory
Enrolment: 227,541
Group Ordinary Absent Provisional Pre-Poll Postal Total
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch) 67,849 41.46 1,724 39.86 1,240 43.77 13,282 40.24 2,760 36.89 86,855 41.10
Liberal 61,614 37.65 1,642 37.97 1,011 35.69 12,630 38.26 3,125 41.77 80,022 37.87
Australian Democrats 3,262 1.99 107 2.47 62 2.19 900 2.73 197 2.63 4,528 2.14
The Greens 26,817 16.39 753 17.41 439 15.50 5,404 16.37 1,162 15.53 34,575 16.36
Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 2,533 1.55 55 1.27 35 1.24 517 1.57 154 2.06 3,294 1.56
Australian Progressive Alliance 905 0.55 28 0.65 32 1.13 141 0.43 41 0.55 1,147 0.54
Unendorsed/Ungrouped Amalgamated 680 0.42 16 0.37 14 0.49 133 0.40 42 0.56 885 0.42
FORMAL 163,660 97.25 4,325 98.05 2,833 97.76 33,007 98.65 7,481 98.86 211,306 97.54
INFORMAL 4,635 2.75 86 1.95 65 2.24 453 1.35 86 1.14 5,325 2.46
TOTAL 168,295 77.69 4,411 2.04 2,898 1.34 33,460 15.45 7,567 3.49 216,631 95.21



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