Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: 18/12/2009 3:46:26 PM


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Polling Places
Polling Place Street Address
Asquith (Bradfield) Asquith Public School, Dudley St, ASQUITH NSW 2077
Chatswood Dougherty Community Centre, 7 Victor St, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067
Chatswood East (Bradfield) Salvation Army Chatswood, Cnr Archer and Johnson Sts, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067
Chatswood North Chatswood Guide Hall, Anglo St, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067
Chatswood West Chatswood Public School, Pacific Hwy, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067
Ferndale Holy Trinity Church Hall, 44 Beaconsfield Rd, CHATSWOOD WEST NSW 2067
Gordon Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council Chambers, 818 Pacific Hwy, GORDON NSW 2072
Gordon East Gordon East Public School, Rosedale Rd, GORDON NSW 2072
Gordon West Gordon West Public School, Ryde Rd, PYMBLE NSW 2073
Hornsby Central (Bradfield) Hornsby Girls High School, Edgeworth David Ave, HORNSBY NSW 2077
Hornsby East Hornsby Youth and Community Centre, Cnr Muriel and Burdett Sts, HORNSBY NSW 2077
Hornsby Hospital Hornsby Hospital, Palmerston Rd, HORNSBY NSW 2077
Killara St Martin's Anglican Church Hall, 9b Arnold St, KILLARA NSW 2071
Kissing Point KU South Turramurra Preschool, 10A Auluba Rd, SOUTH TURRAMURRA NSW 2074
Lady Davidson Hospital Lady Davidson Hospital, Bobbin Head Rd, TURRAMURRA NORTH NSW 2074
Lindfield Cromehurst Special School, 8 Nelson Rd, LINDFIELD NSW 2070
Lindfield North Lindfield Primary School, Pacific Hwy, LINDFIELD NSW 2070
Lindfield West Beaumont Road Public School, 17 Beaumont Rd, KILLARA NSW 2071
Mowbray (Bradfield) Mowbray Primary School, 635 Mowbray Rd West, LANE COVE NORTH NSW 2066
Pymble Sacred Heart Parish Hall, cnr Pacific Hwy & Bobbin Head Rd, PYMBLE NSW 2073
Pymble North Pymble Public School, Crown Rd, PYMBLE NSW 2073
Pymble West Pymble West Public School, Apollo Ave, WEST PYMBLE NSW 2073
Roseville St Andrew's Church, 1 Bancroft Ave, ROSEVILLE NSW 2069
Roseville South St Barnabas' Anglican Church, 30 William St East, ROSEVILLE NSW 2069
St Ives St Ives Community Hall, Village Green, Memorial Ave, ST IVES NSW 2075
St Ives Chase St Ives North Scout Hall, Warrimoo Ave, ST IVES CHASE NSW 2075
St Ives North St Ives North Public School, 87 Memorial Ave, ST IVES NSW 2075
St Ives Park St Ives Park Public School, 7 Acron Road, ST IVES NSW 2075
St Ives South St Ives High School, Yarrabung Rd, ST IVES NSW 2075
Special Hospital Team 1 Lourdes Serviced Apartments, 95 Stanhope Rd, KILLARA NSW 2071
Special Hospital Team 2 Willoughby Retirement Comm. Assoc., 36 Douglas Ave, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067
Special Hospital Team 3 Dougherty Apartments, 1 Victor St, CHATSWOOD NSW 2067
Turramurra St James' Anglican Church Hall, King St, TURRAMURRA NSW 2074
Turramurra Central Turramurra Uniting Church Hall, Turramurra Ave, TURRAMURRA NSW 2074
Turramurra North Turramurra North Public School, Bobbin Head Rd, TURRAMURRA NSW 2074
Turramurra South Turramurra Public School, Kissing Point Rd, SOUTH TURRAMURRA NSW 2074
Wahroonga Wahroonga Presbyterian Church Hall, cnr Stuart St & Illoura Ave, WAHROONGA NSW 2076
Wahroonga East Wahroonga Public School, 71 Burns Rd, WAHROONGA NSW 2076
Waitara (Bradfield) Waitara Public School, Edgeworth David Ave, WAHROONGA NSW 2076
Warrawee Warrawee Public School, Pacific Hwy, WARRAWEE NSW 2074



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