Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: 10/09/2010 2:57:36 PM


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Two Candidate Preferred By Polling Place
Polling Place Formal MARINO, Nola
JARVIS, Jackie
Australian Labor Party
Votes % Votes %
Acton Park 221 175 79.19 46 20.81 0.58
Alexandra Bridge 128 95 74.22 33 25.78 -3.93
Allanson 347 149 42.94 198 57.06 6.48
Augusta 802 507 63.22 295 36.78 1.79
Australind 3,130 1,964 62.75 1,166 37.25 4.09
Australind East 1,239 727 58.68 512 41.32 0.98
Australind North 850 485 57.06 365 42.94 4.29
Balingup 363 191 52.62 172 47.38 2.38
Binningup 578 364 62.98 214 37.02 4.82
Boyanup 860 520 60.47 340 39.53 -0.46
Brunswick 759 512 67.46 247 32.54 6.51
Bunbury 1,140 726 63.68 414 36.32 4.25
Bunbury Central 1,066 664 62.29 402 37.71 5.37
Bunbury East 1,763 983 55.76 780 44.24 1.45
Bunbury PPVC 4,046 2,453 60.63 1,593 39.37 14.90
Burekup 469 308 65.67 161 34.33 1.85
Busselton 2,003 1,221 60.96 782 39.04 2.43
Busselton 1 PPVC 1,590 1,047 65.85 543 34.15 20.13
Busselton 2 PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
Busselton East 1,561 987 63.23 574 36.77 -0.31
Busselton South 1,916 1,154 60.23 762 39.77 1.37
Busselton West 2,494 1,599 64.11 895 35.89 1.12
Capel 1,404 835 59.47 569 40.53 2.45
Carbunup River 383 271 70.76 112 29.24 -0.51
Carey Park 1,552 736 47.42 816 52.58 3.51
Carey Park South 1,036 545 52.61 491 47.39 5.89
Clifton Park 632 372 58.86 260 41.14 0.35
Collie 791 255 32.24 536 67.76 2.11
Collie 1 PPVC 570 182 31.93 388 68.07 -13.63
Collie 2 PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
Collie Central 1,573 545 34.65 1,028 65.35 3.87
Collie East 313 105 33.55 208 66.45 6.51
Collie North 1,039 352 33.88 687 66.12 5.11
Coral Park 2,242 1,262 56.29 980 43.71 4.36
Cowaramup 785 469 59.75 316 40.25 0.54
Dalyellup 2,102 1,287 61.23 815 38.77 2.17
Dardanup 913 653 71.52 260 28.48 3.73
Divisional Office (PREPOLL) 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
Donnybrook 1,698 1,100 64.78 598 35.22 1.18
Dunsborough 2,216 1,418 63.99 798 36.01 1.58
Eaton 2,665 1,592 59.74 1,073 40.26 4.80
Eaton East 1,889 1,087 57.54 802 42.46 2.95
Elgin 166 141 84.94 25 15.06 8.94
Ferguson 169 122 72.19 47 27.81 2.26
Gelorup 1,323 868 65.61 455 34.39 4.56
Harvey 2,015 1,279 63.47 736 36.53 6.25
Karridale 246 156 63.41 90 36.59 17.08
Kirup 243 164 67.49 79 32.51 0.82
Leschenault 687 448 65.21 239 34.79 9.04
Lowden 244 154 63.11 90 36.89 1.85
Margaret River 2,114 897 42.43 1,217 57.57 -3.93
Margaret River 1 PPVC 638 329 51.57 309 48.43 6.03
Margaret River 2 PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
Nannup 686 365 53.21 321 46.79 0.73
Perth (Forrest) 31 15 48.39 16 51.61 0.24
Picton 1,049 594 56.63 455 43.37 2.69
Rosa Brook 206 118 57.28 88 42.72 -4.22
Rottnest (Forrest) 19 9 47.37 10 52.63 -2.63
South Bunbury 1,482 859 57.96 623 42.04 2.53
South West Health Campus 560 301 53.75 259 46.25 1.47
Special Hospital Team 1 270 174 64.44 96 35.56 1.33
Special Hospital Team 2 61 41 67.21 20 32.79 4.29
Special Hospital Team 3 25 12 48.00 13 52.00 -14.86
Special Hospital Team 4 19 12 63.16 7 36.84 -0.17
Special Hospital Team 5 39 15 38.46 24 61.54 -26.06
Vasse 1,457 943 64.72 514 35.28 -5.26
Witchcliffe 613 294 47.96 319 52.04 -0.29
Withers 1,618 810 50.06 808 49.94 4.64
Wollaston 934 532 56.96 402 43.04 -0.56
Yallingup 553 319 57.69 234 42.31 3.21
Yarloop 372 224 60.22 148 39.78 8.57
Yoongarillup 293 230 78.50 63 21.50 -1.09
ABSENT 5,657 3,414 60.35 2,243 39.65 60.35
PRE_POLL 2,672 1,662 62.20 1,010 37.80 62.20
POSTAL 2,861 1,860 65.01 1,001 34.99 65.01
PROVISIONAL 150 85 56.67 65 43.33 56.67
DIVISION TOTAL 80,600 47,343 58.74 33,257 41.26 3.26



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