2022 Federal Election
Updated: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:11:53 AM AEST
Turnout by division
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This table provides the number and percentage for turnout in each House of Representatives division. The data also includes a swing - the percentage for turnout at this election compared to the previous election.
This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.
- Turnout is the number of people who were enrolled to vote that 'turned up' to cast a vote via any voting method.
- These results are final.
Division | State | Enrolment | Turnout | % | Swing % |
Adelaide | SA | 129,960 | 117,202 | 90.18 | -1.34 |
Aston | VIC | 109,705 | 101,480 | 92.50 | -1.79 |
Ballarat | VIC | 110,570 | 101,609 | 91.90 | -1.92 |
Banks | NSW | 107,700 | 98,595 | 91.55 | -1.48 |
Barker | SA | 123,326 | 113,708 | 92.20 | -2.33 |
Barton | NSW | 110,371 | 99,028 | 89.72 | -1.46 |
Bass | TAS | 79,322 | 72,933 | 91.95 | -2.09 |
Bean | ACT | 109,432 | 101,309 | 92.58 | -1.20 |
Bendigo | VIC | 112,354 | 103,543 | 92.16 | -2.15 |
Bennelong | NSW | 114,942 | 105,778 | 92.03 | -1.29 |
Berowra | NSW | 106,174 | 99,389 | 93.61 | -0.78 |
Blair | QLD | 126,366 | 110,079 | 87.11 | -4.23 |
Blaxland | NSW | 107,252 | 91,561 | 85.37 | -3.08 |
Bonner | QLD | 109,132 | 98,841 | 90.57 | -2.19 |
Boothby | SA | 128,592 | 118,996 | 92.54 | -1.07 |
Bowman | QLD | 115,715 | 104,737 | 90.51 | -2.53 |
Braddon | TAS | 82,424 | 76,456 | 92.76 | -2.33 |
Bradfield | NSW | 108,540 | 100,320 | 92.43 | -0.95 |
Brand | WA | 118,102 | 102,232 | 86.56 | -1.90 |
Brisbane | QLD | 125,208 | 111,110 | 88.74 | -1.77 |
Bruce | VIC | 112,756 | 99,611 | 88.34 | -3.67 |
Burt | WA | 112,918 | 97,225 | 86.10 | -0.89 |
Calare | NSW | 121,414 | 111,774 | 92.06 | -1.54 |
Calwell | VIC | 106,706 | 90,719 | 85.02 | -1.04 |
Canberra | ACT | 102,078 | 93,990 | 92.08 | -0.54 |
Canning | WA | 115,165 | 100,822 | 87.55 | -2.20 |
Capricornia | QLD | 108,569 | 96,196 | 88.60 | -3.98 |
Casey | VIC | 114,277 | 106,273 | 93.00 | -2.52 |
Chifley | NSW | 121,280 | 106,660 | 87.95 | -2.01 |
Chisholm | VIC | 109,851 | 101,281 | 92.20 | -2.61 |
Clark | TAS | 74,697 | 68,818 | 92.13 | -1.51 |
Cook | NSW | 110,221 | 102,315 | 92.83 | -0.82 |
Cooper | VIC | 108,610 | 97,919 | 90.16 | -2.18 |
Corangamite | VIC | 112,645 | 105,055 | 93.26 | +1.01 |
Corio | VIC | 112,517 | 102,285 | 90.91 | -2.97 |
Cowan | WA | 122,611 | 107,723 | 87.86 | -2.83 |
Cowper | NSW | 129,688 | 117,006 | 90.22 | -1.81 |
Cunningham | NSW | 117,169 | 107,185 | 91.48 | -1.17 |
Curtin | WA | 119,268 | 108,410 | 90.90 | -1.10 |
Dawson | QLD | 110,384 | 96,574 | 87.49 | -3.30 |
Deakin | VIC | 112,455 | 104,688 | 93.09 | -2.08 |
Dickson | QLD | 112,786 | 103,025 | 91.35 | -2.32 |
Dobell | NSW | 118,400 | 106,647 | 90.07 | -1.98 |
Dunkley | VIC | 111,567 | 100,472 | 90.06 | -2.30 |
Durack | WA | 118,406 | 95,742 | 80.86 | -4.49 |
Eden-Monaro | NSW | 116,338 | 108,600 | 93.35 | +0.04 |
Fadden | QLD | 127,728 | 110,531 | 86.54 | -3.09 |
Fairfax | QLD | 123,296 | 109,725 | 88.99 | -2.45 |
Farrer | NSW | 119,235 | 108,838 | 91.28 | -1.36 |
Fenner | ACT | 102,515 | 93,814 | 91.51 | -1.50 |
Fisher | QLD | 125,775 | 112,024 | 89.07 | -2.89 |
Flinders | VIC | 114,414 | 104,589 | 91.41 | -1.82 |
Flynn | QLD | 108,988 | 95,983 | 88.07 | -4.08 |
Forde | QLD | 119,085 | 101,496 | 85.23 | -4.26 |
Forrest | WA | 113,008 | 100,324 | 88.78 | -2.36 |
Fowler | NSW | 108,429 | 96,001 | 88.54 | -1.50 |
Franklin | TAS | 80,243 | 74,955 | 93.41 | -1.27 |
Fraser | VIC | 110,961 | 96,359 | 86.84 | -3.26 |
Fremantle | WA | 116,783 | 104,078 | 89.12 | -2.11 |
Gellibrand | VIC | 108,096 | 96,926 | 89.67 | -1.22 |
Gilmore | NSW | 127,603 | 116,875 | 91.59 | -1.29 |
Gippsland | VIC | 114,405 | 103,979 | 90.89 | -1.49 |
Goldstein | VIC | 109,633 | 101,574 | 92.65 | -1.07 |
Gorton | VIC | 110,860 | 99,523 | 89.77 | -1.24 |
Grayndler | NSW | 109,926 | 99,056 | 90.11 | -1.22 |
Greenway | NSW | 119,876 | 109,538 | 91.38 | -1.49 |
Grey | SA | 123,620 | 110,792 | 89.62 | -3.03 |
Griffith | QLD | 121,278 | 108,479 | 89.45 | -1.60 |
Groom | QLD | 110,878 | 100,762 | 90.88 | -2.17 |
Hasluck | WA | 117,530 | 104,295 | 88.74 | -0.50 |
Hawke | VIC | 106,479 | 94,919 | 89.14 | -0.81 |
Herbert | QLD | 114,164 | 98,098 | 85.93 | -4.13 |
Higgins | VIC | 107,736 | 98,285 | 91.23 | -2.45 |
Hindmarsh | SA | 128,627 | 117,029 | 90.98 | -1.87 |
Hinkler | QLD | 117,153 | 104,837 | 89.49 | -3.21 |
Holt | VIC | 107,397 | 95,123 | 88.57 | -0.94 |
Hotham | VIC | 115,974 | 103,890 | 89.58 | -2.81 |
Hughes | NSW | 107,279 | 101,296 | 94.42 | -0.40 |
Hume | NSW | 121,712 | 112,802 | 92.68 | -1.41 |
Hunter | NSW | 128,370 | 116,628 | 90.85 | -1.44 |
Indi | VIC | 117,447 | 107,444 | 91.48 | -2.88 |
Isaacs | VIC | 110,673 | 101,566 | 91.77 | -1.73 |
Jagajaga | VIC | 113,162 | 105,246 | 93.00 | -2.26 |
Kennedy | QLD | 114,399 | 96,775 | 84.59 | -4.51 |
Kingsford Smith | NSW | 115,299 | 102,038 | 88.50 | -1.67 |
Kingston | SA | 124,441 | 113,698 | 91.37 | -1.80 |
Kooyong | VIC | 112,972 | 105,563 | 93.44 | -2.39 |
La Trobe | VIC | 105,791 | 96,155 | 90.89 | +1.67 |
Lalor | VIC | 106,949 | 94,274 | 88.15 | -0.62 |
Leichhardt | QLD | 117,214 | 98,422 | 83.97 | -3.68 |
Lilley | QLD | 112,302 | 101,757 | 90.61 | -1.54 |
Lindsay | NSW | 124,660 | 112,480 | 90.23 | -2.02 |
Lingiari | NT | 74,008 | 49,459 | 66.83 | -6.02 |
Longman | QLD | 129,001 | 113,742 | 88.17 | -3.99 |
Lyne | NSW | 124,499 | 114,811 | 92.22 | -1.51 |
Lyons | TAS | 85,166 | 78,270 | 91.90 | -2.28 |
Macarthur | NSW | 133,408 | 119,773 | 89.78 | -1.88 |
Mackellar | NSW | 111,170 | 102,875 | 92.54 | -0.51 |
Macnamara | VIC | 110,603 | 96,333 | 87.10 | -2.84 |
Macquarie | NSW | 108,054 | 100,547 | 93.05 | -0.77 |
Makin | SA | 123,112 | 112,281 | 91.20 | -1.92 |
Mallee | VIC | 120,129 | 108,342 | 90.19 | -4.09 |
Maranoa | QLD | 109,005 | 96,349 | 88.39 | -3.54 |
Maribyrnong | VIC | 108,937 | 98,885 | 90.77 | -2.73 |
Mayo | SA | 130,646 | 122,390 | 93.68 | -1.29 |
McEwen | VIC | 108,036 | 99,637 | 92.23 | +0.07 |
McMahon | NSW | 107,217 | 94,799 | 88.42 | -2.56 |
McPherson | QLD | 117,232 | 102,648 | 87.56 | -2.84 |
Melbourne | VIC | 114,388 | 99,499 | 86.98 | -2.64 |
Menzies | VIC | 112,743 | 104,374 | 92.58 | -2.65 |
Mitchell | NSW | 121,363 | 113,004 | 93.11 | -1.02 |
Monash | VIC | 111,082 | 101,464 | 91.34 | -1.20 |
Moncrieff | QLD | 122,546 | 104,198 | 85.03 | -3.17 |
Moore | WA | 119,305 | 109,076 | 91.43 | -1.90 |
Moreton | QLD | 107,115 | 95,181 | 88.86 | -2.06 |
New England | NSW | 113,303 | 103,766 | 91.58 | -1.76 |
Newcastle | NSW | 122,452 | 111,665 | 91.19 | -1.53 |
Nicholls | VIC | 114,386 | 103,350 | 90.35 | -2.98 |
North Sydney | NSW | 111,694 | 102,256 | 91.55 | -0.85 |
O'Connor | WA | 117,798 | 102,624 | 87.12 | -4.70 |
Oxley | QLD | 112,658 | 98,994 | 87.87 | -3.33 |
Page | NSW | 122,892 | 112,408 | 91.47 | -1.06 |
Parkes | NSW | 109,000 | 96,501 | 88.53 | -2.60 |
Parramatta | NSW | 105,465 | 92,524 | 87.73 | -1.88 |
Paterson | NSW | 132,040 | 121,027 | 91.66 | -1.58 |
Pearce | WA | 115,212 | 101,222 | 87.86 | -0.55 |
Perth | WA | 122,580 | 108,109 | 88.19 | -1.34 |
Petrie | QLD | 124,827 | 110,426 | 88.46 | -2.84 |
Rankin | QLD | 108,054 | 91,375 | 84.56 | -4.26 |
Reid | NSW | 115,540 | 104,776 | 90.68 | -1.03 |
Richmond | NSW | 118,638 | 107,208 | 90.37 | -0.45 |
Riverina | NSW | 116,029 | 106,458 | 91.75 | -1.64 |
Robertson | NSW | 112,538 | 102,484 | 91.07 | -2.10 |
Ryan | QLD | 111,322 | 102,456 | 92.04 | -0.94 |
Scullin | VIC | 108,583 | 96,616 | 88.98 | -3.25 |
Shortland | NSW | 116,245 | 106,766 | 91.85 | -1.81 |
Solomon | NT | 71,843 | 57,136 | 79.53 | -3.55 |
Spence | SA | 129,099 | 111,761 | 86.57 | -3.97 |
Sturt | SA | 128,977 | 119,151 | 92.38 | -1.27 |
Swan | WA | 121,189 | 105,581 | 87.12 | -1.73 |
Sydney | NSW | 125,419 | 106,624 | 85.01 | -1.29 |
Tangney | WA | 122,190 | 111,819 | 91.51 | -1.99 |
Wannon | VIC | 115,709 | 106,704 | 92.22 | -2.84 |
Warringah | NSW | 105,278 | 96,163 | 91.34 | -1.06 |
Watson | NSW | 108,714 | 94,972 | 87.36 | -2.09 |
Wentworth | NSW | 103,716 | 91,200 | 87.93 | -1.47 |
Werriwa | NSW | 126,048 | 111,593 | 88.53 | -2.00 |
Whitlam | NSW | 125,393 | 114,974 | 91.69 | -1.57 |
Wide Bay | QLD | 115,315 | 102,272 | 88.69 | -2.98 |
Wills | VIC | 108,402 | 96,053 | 88.61 | -2.55 |
Wright | QLD | 123,792 | 109,666 | 88.59 | -3.42 |
Total | 17,213,433 | 15,461,379 | 89.82 | -2.07 |