2022 Federal Election

Updated: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:11:53 AM AEST

Declaration votes issued by division

This table provides the number of declaration votes by vote type issued to voters by the AEC for each division.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. A declaration vote is when a voter cannot be marked off the electoral roll at the time of voting. This can include people voting outside of their division, via post or where the voter's name cannot be found on the certified list.
  2. An absent vote is a vote cast at a polling place outside of a voter's electoral division, but still within their state or territory.
  3. Provisional votes are votes cast at a polling place where the elector's name cannot be found on the roll, the elector's name has already been marked off the roll or votes cast by a silent elector.
  4. These results are final.


Declaration votes issued for all divisions in South Australia
  Declaration pre-poll Postal vote certificates
Division State Provisional Absent Total issued Own division Total issued Own division
Adelaide SA 1,606 7,146 3,074 70 26,077 23,045
Barker SA 1,138 3,523 3,259 177 15,794 15,794
Boothby SA 969 5,830 4,506 178 23,675 23,675
Grey SA 1,045 4,867 4,776 125 17,447 17,447
Hindmarsh SA 1,141 4,018 2,085 155 22,757 22,757
Kingston SA 839 2,424 2,240 140 22,361 22,361
Makin SA 1,223 3,718 2,950 159 20,354 20,354
Mayo SA 894 5,395 4,059 183 17,427 17,427
Spence SA 1,683 3,775 2,817 288 20,684 20,684
Sturt SA 1,056 4,782 3,055 152 23,967 23,967
Total 11,594 45,478 32,821 1,627 210,543 207,511