2022 Federal Election

Updated: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:11:53 AM AEST

Enrolment By division

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This table shows the enrolment for each division as at close of rolls. The data also includes the subsequent amendments to the roll in each division, noting the removal of electors who died after the close of rolls and the reinstatement of eligible electors previously removed from the roll.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. These results are final.


Enrolment for all divisions in Victoria
Division State Close of Rolls Notebook Roll Reinstatements Enrolment
Additions Deletions Postal Declaration pre-poll Absent Provision
Aston VIC 109,826 3 127 0 1 1 1 109,705
Ballarat VIC 110,704 3 152 2 7 3 3 110,570
Bendigo VIC 112,498 2 150 0 1 1 2 112,354
Bruce VIC 112,896 0 141 0 1 0 0 112,756
Calwell VIC 106,782 0 80 0 0 0 4 106,706
Casey VIC 114,385 4 119 3 2 1 1 114,277
Chisholm VIC 109,973 4 152 4 2 10 10 109,851
Cooper VIC 108,730 1 125 0 0 4 0 108,610
Corangamite VIC 112,756 4 118 1 0 2 0 112,645
Corio VIC 112,651 4 142 0 0 4 0 112,517
Deakin VIC 112,589 7 150 0 1 4 4 112,455
Dunkley VIC 111,693 3 137 0 0 3 5 111,567
Flinders VIC 114,542 7 177 7 11 13 11 114,414
Fraser VIC 111,060 4 113 0 6 1 3 110,961
Gellibrand VIC 108,169 7 88 0 2 2 4 108,096
Gippsland VIC 114,568 1 184 0 8 6 6 114,405
Goldstein VIC 109,773 10 157 1 1 3 2 109,633
Gorton VIC 110,928 0 76 0 1 4 3 110,860
Hawke VIC 106,554 0 85 0 3 4 3 106,479
Higgins VIC 107,782 4 85 8 13 7 7 107,736
Holt VIC 107,465 5 77 0 4 0 0 107,397
Hotham VIC 116,085 7 132 4 7 1 2 115,974
Indi VIC 117,571 6 149 2 7 3 7 117,447
Isaacs VIC 110,797 2 138 1 1 2 8 110,673
Jagajaga VIC 113,239 4 98 2 4 6 5 113,162
Kooyong VIC 113,054 7 99 1 0 5 4 112,972
La Trobe VIC 105,857 1 75 2 3 1 2 105,791
Lalor VIC 107,013 4 79 1 2 2 6 106,949
Macnamara VIC 110,676 1 110 4 6 10 16 110,603
Mallee VIC 120,339 2 216 0 0 0 4 120,129
Maribyrnong VIC 109,030 0 109 1 6 3 6 108,937
McEwen VIC 108,089 0 77 3 7 5 9 108,036
Melbourne VIC 114,447 0 78 0 5 10 4 114,388
Menzies VIC 112,876 4 146 1 2 4 2 112,743
Monash VIC 111,241 3 181 1 10 2 6 111,082
Nicholls VIC 114,542 3 194 3 10 4 18 114,386
Scullin VIC 108,670 1 89 0 1 0 0 108,583
Wannon VIC 115,858 5 180 1 12 4 9 115,709
Wills VIC 108,500 0 124 1 3 14 8 108,402
Total 4,344,208 123 4,909 54 150 149 185 4,339,960