2022 Federal Election

Updated: Sat, 11 Jun 2022 5:25:13 PM AEST

Votes by division

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This table provides the number of votes cast by vote type for each division.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. An ordinary vote is a vote cast by an elector when their name can be verified on the electoral roll at the place of voting. This can be at an early voting centre or polling place in the voter's own division or at an interstate voting centre.
  2. An absent vote is a vote cast at a polling place outside of a voter's electoral division, but still within their state or territory.
  3. Provisional votes are votes cast at a polling place where the elector's name cannot be found on the roll, the elector's name has already been marked off the roll or votes cast by a silent elector.
  4. These results are final.


Votes by division for South Australia
Division State Enrolment Ordinary Absent Provisional Declaration pre-poll Postal Total Turnout %
Adelaide SA 129,960 87,721 6,700 1,153 3,095 19,279 117,948 90.76
Barker SA 123,326 94,693 2,884 552 2,656 13,506 114,291 92.67
Boothby SA 128,592 90,107 4,898 749 3,269 20,595 119,618 93.02
Grey SA 123,620 89,542 2,883 568 3,439 14,831 111,263 90.00
Hindmarsh SA 128,627 90,055 4,338 872 2,997 19,439 117,701 91.51
Kingston SA 124,441 86,881 4,089 590 3,118 19,305 113,983 91.60
Makin SA 123,112 86,581 5,067 893 2,743 17,616 112,900 91.71
Mayo SA 130,646 97,762 4,072 627 4,624 15,806 122,891 94.06
Spence SA 129,099 86,673 4,587 1,080 2,827 17,198 112,365 87.04
Sturt SA 128,977 89,997 4,951 829 3,194 20,541 119,512 92.66
Total 1,270,400 900,012 44,469 7,913 31,962 178,116 1,162,472 91.50