Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: 29/09/2010 4:50:00 PM


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Candidates with a surname starting with the letter V
Candidate Party Division State
VAMVAKINOU, MariaElected Australian Labor Party Calwell VIC
VAN BOECKEL, Michael Independent Longman QLD
VAN BURGEL, Jamie Christian Democratic Party Canning WA
VAN DER MERWE, Sophie Australian Labor Party Curtin WA
van der WIJNGAART, Ben The Greens Gilmore NSW
van LIESHOUT, Joan Liberal Richmond NSW
VAN MANEN, BertElected Liberal National Party of Queensland Forde QLD
VAN VEEN, Joshua Liberal Democrats (LDP) Longman QLD
VASTA, Ross XavierElected Liberal National Party of Queensland Bonner QLD
VEGA, Christian Australian Sex Party Melbourne Ports VIC
VERNEDE, Darren Family First Canning WA
VERSACE, Trevor John Family First Hinkler QLD
VILLAVER, Ronaldo Australian Democrats Greenway NSW
VINCENT, Allan Family First Ryan QLD
VINCENT, Dave Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) Chifley NSW
VINCENT, Sally Family First Petrie QLD
VINNICOMBE, Bob One Nation Blaxland NSW



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