Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
Virtual Tally Room: the official election results
House of Representatives Updated: 29/09/2010 4:50:00 PM


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Candidates with a surname starting with the letter M
Candidate Party Division State
MACFARLANE, IanElected Liberal National Party of Queensland Groom QLD
MACKLIN, JennyElected Australian Labor Party Jagajaga VIC
MacTIERNAN, Alannah Australian Labor Party Canning WA
MAIZEY, Graeme The Greens Fadden QLD
MAIZEY, Petrina The Greens Forde QLD
MAJEWSKI, Mark Liberal Blaxland NSW
MAJOR, Sean Robert Family First Gorton VIC
MALE, James Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) Farrer NSW
MARINO, NolaElected Liberal Forrest WA
MARKUS, LouiseElected Liberal Macquarie NSW
MARLES, Richard DonaldElected Australian Labor Party Corio VIC
MARSH, Allan Independent Wannon VIC
MARTIN, Chris The Greens Stirling WA
MATHESON, Julie The Greens Durack WA
MATHESON, RussellElected Liberal Macarthur NSW
MAXFIELD, Christine Australian Labor Party McMillan VIC
McCALLUM, Carmel The Greens Macquarie NSW
McCARTHY, Narelle Louise The Greens Fairfax QLD
McCLELLAND, Dale Liberal Isaacs VIC
McCLELLAND, RobertElected Labor Barton NSW
McCONNELL, David Liberal Gellibrand VIC
McCORMACK, MichaelElected The Nationals Riverina NSW
McCOURT, Jim Family First Hasluck WA
McCUBBIN, Darren Australian Labor Party Gippsland VIC
McCULLOCH, Kate Melissa One Nation Macarthur NSW
McDONALD, Ewan Christian Democratic Party Murray VIC
McDONALD, Jim The Greens Wide Bay QLD
McDONALD, John Andrew Liberal Charlton NSW
McDONNELL, Simone Australian Labor Party Barker SA
McENCROE, Keith John D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party Fremantle WA
McERLANE, Claire Family First Longman QLD
McGARVIE, Rod Liberal National Party of Queensland Lilley QLD
McGHEE, Ray Independent Boothby SA
McINTYRE, Dan Australian Labor Party Fairfax QLD
MCKAY, Greg Family First Maranoa QLD
McKELVIE, Malcolm Australian Greens McMillan VIC
McKENNA, Nigel Liberal Port Adelaide SA
McKENZIE, Ian The Greens Charlton NSW
McKEW, Maxine Labor Bennelong NSW
McLEAN, Lori Family First Lalor VIC
McMAHON, John F G D.L.P. - Democratic Labor Party Flynn QLD
McNAMARA, Fiona Australian Labor Party Dickson QLD
McNAMARA, John Liberal Dobell NSW
McNAMARA, Judith Australian Labor Party Wannon VIC
MCNEVEN, Belinda Australian Labor Party Hinkler QLD
McSWEENEY, Shannon Royce Family First Leichhardt QLD
MEACHER, Steve Australian Greens McEwen VIC
MEAD, Clinton Australian Democrats Macarthur NSW
MEARES, Michelle Independent Robertson NSW
MEIBUSCH, Chris Australian Labor Party Groom QLD
MELHAM, DarylElected Labor Banks NSW
MELLAND, Julia Australian Democrats Page NSW
MELVILLE-SMITH, Andrew Colin The Greens Grey SA
MICENKO, Kalyna The Greens Port Adelaide SA
MICHELMORE, John Wesley The Climate Sceptics Mayo SA
MICHELS, Malikeh The Greens Blaxland NSW
MIDDLETON, Andrew Charles The Climate Sceptics Hasluck WA
MILAT, Lisa Liberal Democrats (LDP) Hume NSW
MILES, Steven Australian Labor Party Ryan QLD
MILLIGAN, James Keith Liberal Fraser ACT
MIRABELLA, SophieElected Liberal Indi VIC
MITCHELL, RobElected Australian Labor Party McEwen VIC
MOCKLER, Mary Louise Carers Alliance Bennelong NSW
MOFFAT, Sean The Greens Barker SA
MOIR, Darren Gregory The Nationals Pearce WA
MOONEY, Tony Australian Labor Party Herbert QLD
MOORE, Catherine The Greens Eden-Monaro NSW
MOORE, Jess Socialist Alliance Cunningham NSW
MOORE, Lauren The Greens Werriwa NSW
MOORE, Palitja The Greens Kingston SA
MOORE, Serena Family First Murray VIC
MORAN, Peter The Greens Throsby NSW
MORRISON, Ed Liberal National Party of Queensland Kennedy QLD
MORRISON, ScottElected Liberal Cook NSW
MORTENSEN, Hugh Australian Labor Party Murray VIC
MOWEN, Bevan Independent Capricornia QLD
MOYLAN, JudiElected Liberal Pearce WA
MOYLE, Colin Family First Maribyrnong VIC
MULHOLLAND, Sylvia Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) Riverina NSW
MULLER, Iris Family First Greenway NSW
MUMBY, Daniel Family First Wills VIC
MUMBY, Liz Family First Gellibrand VIC
MURPHY, JohnElected Labor Reid NSW
MURRAY, Joel Australian Sex Party Melbourne VIC



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