2019 Federal Election

Updated: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 6:14:10 PM AEST

Swan, WA

Created with Highcharts 4.1.9Two candidate preferred (TCP) for Swan (WA)52.69 % IRONS, Steve47.31 % BEAZLEY, Hannah

This table provides the current two candidate preferred (TCP) count for the division. The data includes swing - a comparison of the percentage of TCP votes received at the previous federal election compared to the current federal election.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only. Votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. The term 'Previous election' may not relate to actual results from the last event. Redistributions of electoral boundaries are taken into account and may produce notional results for any electoral division in a redistributed state or territory. See www.aec.gov.au/redistribution for further information.
  3. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred (TCP) for Swan (WA)
Candidate Party Votes Margin This election (%) Previous election (%) Swing (%) Status
IRONS, SteveLiberal44,3334,52952.6953.59-0.90Elected
BEAZLEY, HannahAustralian Labor Party39,804-4,52947.3146.41+0.90 

This table provides the number of first preference votes received for all candidates in the division. The data includes swing - a comparison of the percentage of first preference votes received at the previous federal election compared to the current federal election.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. These results are final.
First preference count for the division of Swan (WA)
Candidate Party Votes % Swing (%) Status
IRONS, Steve Liberal 37,591 44.68 -3.50 Elected
KLOMP, Steve Australian Christians 1,450 1.72 -2.07  
THOMAS-WURTH, Virginia Anne Animal Justice Party 1,304 1.55 +1.55  
CRAMER, Liberty The Greens (WA) 10,367 12.32 -2.70  
CHEHOFF, Michael Australia First Party 251 0.30 +0.30  
McLERNON, Peter United Australia Party 1,482 1.76 +1.76  
CHANG, Tshung-Hui Pauline Hanson's One Nation 2,038 2.42 +2.42  
BEAZLEY, Hannah Australian Labor Party 27,953 33.22 +0.21  
Formal   84,137 94.18 -2.19  
Informal   5,196 5.82 +2.19  
Total   89,333  

This table provides the number and percentage breakdown of first preference votes received by vote type for the division.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. An ordinary vote is a vote cast by an elector when their name can be verified on the electoral roll at the place of voting. This can be at an early voting centre or polling place in the voter's own division or at an interstate voting centre.
  2. An absent vote is a vote cast at a polling place outside of a voter's electoral division, but still within their state or territory.
  3. Provisional votes are votes cast at a polling place where the elector's name cannot be found on the roll, the elector's name has already been marked off the roll or votes cast by a silent elector.
  4. These results are final.
First preferences by vote type
Candidate Party Ordinary Absent Provisional Declaration pre-poll Postal Total Status
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
IRONS, Steve Liberal 28,743 44.12 2,177 38.95 178 33.84 2,382 47.25 4,111 52.43 37,591 44.68 Elected
KLOMP, Steve Australian Christians 1,112 1.71 118 2.11 8 1.52 87 1.73 125 1.59 1,450 1.72  
THOMAS-WURTH, Virginia Anne Animal Justice Party 941 1.44 133 2.38 10 1.90 101 2.00 119 1.52 1,304 1.55  
ADDINK, Carmel FRASER ANNING'S CONSERVATIVE NATIONAL PARTY 439 0.67 69 1.23 1 0.19 49 0.97 41 0.52 599 0.71  
HAWKINS ZEEB, Sharron WESTERN AUSTRALIA PARTY 770 1.18 101 1.81 7 1.33 106 2.10 118 1.50 1,102 1.31  
CRAMER, Liberty The Greens (WA) 7,940 12.19 1,050 18.79 93 17.68 627 12.44 657 8.38 10,367 12.32  
CHEHOFF, Michael Australia First Party 167 0.26 33 0.59 0 0.00 27 0.54 24 0.31 251 0.30  
McLERNON, Peter United Australia Party 1,126 1.73 105 1.88 11 2.09 93 1.84 147 1.87 1,482 1.76  
CHANG, Tshung-Hui Pauline Hanson's One Nation 1,385 2.13 200 3.58 9 1.71 201 3.99 243 3.10 2,038 2.42  
BEAZLEY, Hannah Australian Labor Party 22,517 34.57 1,603 28.68 209 39.73 1,368 27.14 2,256 28.77 27,953 33.22  
Formal   65,140 94.01 5,589 92.95 526 91.96 5,041 93.79 7,841 97.03 84,137 94.18  
Informal   4,152 5.99 424 7.05 46 8.04 334 6.21 240 2.97 5,196 5.82  
Total   69,292 77.57 6,013 6.73 572 0.64 5,375 6.02 8,081 9.05 89,333 88.57  

This table provides the number and percentage breakdown of two candidate preferred (TCP) votes received by vote type for the division.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only. Votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. An ordinary vote is a vote cast by an elector when their name can be verified on the electoral roll at the place of voting. This can be at an early voting centre or polling place in the voter's own division or at an interstate voting centre.
  3. An absent vote is a vote cast at a polling place outside of a voter's electoral division, but still within their state or territory.
  4. Provisional votes are votes cast at a polling place where the elector's name cannot be found on the roll, the elector's name has already been marked off the roll or votes cast by a silent elector.
  5. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred result by vote type
Candidate Party Ordinary Absent Provisional Declaration pre-poll Postal Total Status
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
IRONS, Steve Liberal 33,659 51.67 2,822 50.49 223 42.40 2,911 57.75 4,718 60.17 44,333 52.69 Elected
BEAZLEY, Hannah Australian Labor Party 31,481 48.33 2,767 49.51 303 57.60 2,130 42.25 3,123 39.83 39,804 47.31  

This table provides a list of the polling places in the division and the time and date of the most recent updated results for that polling place.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers and you can find polling place results by selecting on the name of the polling place.


  1. These results are final.
Polling places for Swan (WA)
Polling place Street address First preference returned Two candidate preferred (TCP) returned
Belmont Belmont Primary School, 213 Great Eastern Hwy, BELMONT WA 6104 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:15:11 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:15:11 PM AEST
Belmont East Nations Church Belmont, 240 Epsom Ave, BELMONT WA 6104 Tue, 11 Jun 2019 5:12:05 PM AEST Tue, 11 Jun 2019 5:12:05 PM AEST
Belmont PPVC 52-54 Belvidere St, BELMONT WA 6104 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:59:57 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:59:57 PM AEST
Belmont South Belmont City College, 106 Fisher St, BELMONT WA 6104 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 12:14:42 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 12:14:42 PM AEST
Bentley Bentley Baptist Church, 59-61 Chapman Rd, BENTLEY WA 6102 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:47:30 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:47:30 PM AEST
Bentley PPVC Activ, 25 Ewing St, BENTLEY WA 6102 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 1:47:26 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 1:47:26 PM AEST
Bentley South Bentley Primary School, 15 Hedley St, BENTLEY WA 6102 Thu, 23 May 2019 4:15:54 PM AEST Thu, 23 May 2019 4:15:54 PM AEST
Bentley West Swan Care Group, 26 Plantation Dr, BENTLEY WA 6102 Thu, 23 May 2019 12:56:29 PM AEST Thu, 23 May 2019 12:56:29 PM AEST
BLV Swan PPVC BLV Swan, Level 13, 200 St Georges Tce, PERTH WA 6000 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 12:40:17 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 12:40:17 PM AEST
Cannington Sevenoaks Senior College, 275 Sevenoaks St, CANNINGTON WA 6107 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:28:03 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:28:03 PM AEST
Cannington SWAN PPVC 1280 Albany Hwy, CANNINGTON WA 6107 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:33:00 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:33:00 PM AEST
Carlisle Carlisle Memorial Hall, 2 Memorial Ave, CARLISLE WA 6101 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:12:46 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:12:46 PM AEST
Cloverdale Belmont Park Tennis Club, cnr Scott St & Robinson Ave, CLOVERDALE WA 6105 Mon, 10 Jun 2019 3:52:41 PM AEST Mon, 10 Jun 2019 3:52:41 PM AEST
Cobham Airport PPVC Cobham Airport, 3 Valentine Rd, PERTH AIRPORT WA 6105 Wed, 29 May 2019 4:57:32 PM AEST Wed, 29 May 2019 4:57:32 PM AEST
Como St Augustine's Anglican Church Hall, 58 Park St, COMO WA 6152 Thu, 23 May 2019 4:13:25 PM AEST Thu, 23 May 2019 4:13:25 PM AEST
Como East Collier Primary School, 17 Hobbs Ave, COMO WA 6152 Tue, 11 Jun 2019 5:05:45 PM AEST Tue, 11 Jun 2019 5:05:45 PM AEST
Como North Como Primary School, 29 Thelma St, COMO WA 6152 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:37:47 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:37:47 PM AEST
Como South St Pius X Parish Hall, 23 Paterson St, COMO WA 6152 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:10:51 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:10:51 PM AEST
Divisional Office (PREPOLL) Divisional Office, Level 13, 200 St Georges Tce, PERTH WA 6000 Wed, 29 May 2019 5:15:06 PM AEST Wed, 29 May 2019 5:15:06 PM AEST
East Cannington Gibbs Street Primary School, 79-93 Gibbs St, EAST CANNINGTON WA 6107 Tue, 11 Jun 2019 2:19:49 PM AEST Tue, 11 Jun 2019 2:19:49 PM AEST
East Victoria Park East Victoria Park Primary School, 30 Beatty Ave, EAST VICTORIA PARK WA 6101 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 6:14:10 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 6:14:10 PM AEST
East Victoria Park Central Leisurelife Centre, 34 Kent St, EAST VICTORIA PARK WA 6101 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:57:24 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:57:24 PM AEST
East Victoria Park South Millen Primary School, Playfield St, EAST VICTORIA PARK WA 6101 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:08:11 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:08:11 PM AEST
High Wycombe High Wycombe Primary School, 60 Newburn Rd, HIGH WYCOMBE WA 6057 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:45:14 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:45:14 PM AEST
High Wycombe North Matthew Gibney Catholic Primary School, 30 Munday Rd, HIGH WYCOMBE WA 6057 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:20:57 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:20:57 PM AEST
High Wycombe South Edney Primary School, 204 Newburn Rd, HIGH WYCOMBE WA 6057 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:35:34 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:35:34 PM AEST
Kensington Kensington Primary School, 73 Banksia Tce, KENSINGTON WA 6151 Tue, 28 May 2019 3:02:31 PM AEST Tue, 28 May 2019 3:02:31 PM AEST
Kewdale Kewdale Primary School, 264 Kew St, KEWDALE WA 6105 Tue, 11 Jun 2019 2:14:34 PM AEST Tue, 11 Jun 2019 2:14:34 PM AEST
Kewdale West Carlisle Primary School, 271 Orrong Rd, KEWDALE WA 6105 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:09:19 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:09:19 PM AEST
Lathlain Lathlain Primary School, 120 Howick St, LATHLAIN WA 6100 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:40:46 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:40:46 PM AEST
Manning East Challenger Reserve, cnr Challenger Ave & Hope Ave, MANNING WA 6152 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:55:32 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:55:32 PM AEST
Manning North Curtin Primary School, 20 Goss Ave, MANNING WA 6152 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:11:44 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:11:44 PM AEST
Other Mobile Team 1 Boronia Pre-release Centre for Women, 14 Hayman Rd, BENTLEY WA 6102 Tue, 28 May 2019 6:16:26 PM AEST Tue, 28 May 2019 6:16:26 PM AEST
Perth SWAN PPVC The Cloisters, Ground Floor, 200 St Georges Tce, PERTH WA 6000 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:47:10 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:47:10 PM AEST
Queens Park Saint Joesph's School, 140 Railway Pde, QUEENS PARK WA 6107 Mon, 27 May 2019 6:48:42 PM AEST Mon, 27 May 2019 6:48:42 PM AEST
Redcliffe Redcliffe Primary School, 62 Kanowna Ave E, REDCLIFFE WA 6104 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:44:19 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:44:19 PM AEST
Rivervale St Augustines Primary School, 34 Gladstone Rd, RIVERVALE WA 6103 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:43:51 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:43:51 PM AEST
Rivervale North Rivervale Primary School, 99 Acton Ave, RIVERVALE WA 6103 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:25:28 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 4:25:28 PM AEST
Skippers Airport PPVC Skippers Airport, Valentine Rd, PERTH AIRPORT WA 6105 Wed, 29 May 2019 5:20:35 PM AEST Wed, 29 May 2019 5:20:35 PM AEST
South Perth South Perth Primary School, 51 Forrest St, SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 1:16:08 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 1:16:08 PM AEST
South Perth Central Hensman Street Kindy, 46 Hensman St, SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 Tue, 28 May 2019 2:12:50 PM AEST Tue, 28 May 2019 2:12:50 PM AEST
South Perth North South Perth Uniting Church, 2 Sandgate St, SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:00:13 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 3:00:13 PM AEST
South Perth South Church of St Mary The Virgin, 9 Ridge St, SOUTH PERTH WA 6151 Fri, 24 May 2019 2:12:54 PM AEST Fri, 24 May 2019 2:12:54 PM AEST
Special Hospital Team 1 Multiple sites, WA Tue, 28 May 2019 5:29:07 PM AEST Tue, 28 May 2019 5:29:07 PM AEST
Special Hospital Team 2 Multiple sites, WA Tue, 28 May 2019 5:39:01 PM AEST Tue, 28 May 2019 5:39:01 PM AEST
T1 Domestic Perth Airport PPVC Terminal 1 Perth Airport, Horrie Miller Dr, PERTH AIRPORT WA 6105 Wed, 29 May 2019 5:24:33 PM AEST Wed, 29 May 2019 5:24:33 PM AEST
T2 Domestic Perth Airport PPVC Terminal 2 Perth Airport, Sugarbird Lady Rd, PERTH AIRPORT WA 6105 Wed, 29 May 2019 5:51:24 PM AEST Wed, 29 May 2019 5:51:24 PM AEST
T3 Domestic Perth Airport PPVC Terminal 3 Perth Airport, Brearley Ave, PERTH AIRPORT WA 6105 Fri, 31 May 2019 9:53:40 AM AEST Fri, 31 May 2019 9:53:40 AM AEST
Victoria Park The Homestead, 5 Mackie St, VICTORIA PARK WA 6100 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:17:42 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 2:17:42 PM AEST
Wilson Wilson Primary School, 60 Armstrong Rd, WILSON WA 6107 Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:18:42 PM AEST Wed, 12 Jun 2019 5:18:42 PM AEST

This table provides the current two candidate preferred (TCP) count for each polling place in the division. The data includes swing - a comparison of the percentage of TCP votes received at the previous federal election compared to the current federal election.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers and you can find polling place results by selecting on the name of the polling place.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only. Votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred by polling place
Polling place Formal IRONS, Steve
Australian Labor Party
Votes % Votes %
Belmont 1,309 756 57.75 553 42.25 0.14
Belmont East 1,695 753 44.42 942 55.58 5.64
Belmont PPVC 4,670 2,392 51.22 2,278 48.78 -4.30
Belmont South 1,929 847 43.91 1,082 56.09 2.19
Bentley 1,380 641 46.45 739 53.55 1.11
Bentley PPVC 1,113 583 52.38 530 47.62 3.69
Bentley South 552 224 40.58 328 59.42 1.84
Bentley West 534 287 53.75 247 46.25 -1.05
BLV Swan PPVC 19 7 36.84 12 63.16 -20.85
Cannington 1,230 531 43.17 699 56.83 1.37
Cannington SWAN PPVC 4,722 2,557 54.15 2,165 45.85 -2.60
Carlisle 1,070 486 45.42 584 54.58 0.92
Cloverdale 748 364 48.66 384 51.34 1.70
Cobham Airport PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
Como 1,056 675 63.92 381 36.08 -4.30
Como East 1,348 796 59.05 552 40.95 -2.52
Como North 2,528 1,467 58.03 1,061 41.97 -5.99
Como South 1,753 1,134 64.69 619 35.31 -1.93
Divisional Office (PREPOLL) 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 -43.75
East Cannington 1,838 801 43.58 1,037 56.42 1.51
East Victoria Park 2,122 813 38.31 1,309 61.69 -8.25
East Victoria Park Central 2,114 953 45.08 1,161 54.92 -4.27
East Victoria Park South 1,776 718 40.43 1,058 59.57 -7.08
High Wycombe 1,953 1,024 52.43 929 47.57 6.26
High Wycombe North 689 375 54.43 314 45.57 6.08
High Wycombe South 1,803 947 52.52 856 47.48 6.95
Kensington 1,990 1,110 55.78 880 44.22 -5.59
Kewdale 1,371 581 42.38 790 57.62 -2.41
Kewdale West 1,822 844 46.32 978 53.68 -2.31
Lathlain 2,087 1,055 50.55 1,032 49.45 -3.32
Manning East 1,458 940 64.47 518 35.53 -2.63
Manning North 1,283 671 52.30 612 47.70 -4.64
Other Mobile Team 1 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 -50.00
Perth SWAN PPVC 1,701 946 55.61 755 44.39 -1.89
Queens Park 1,036 480 46.33 556 53.67 4.37
Redcliffe 903 417 46.18 486 53.82 -2.96
Rivervale 1,071 538 50.23 533 49.77 -5.08
Rivervale North 1,374 700 50.95 674 49.05 -0.08
Skippers Airport PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
South Perth 2,012 1,252 62.23 760 37.77 -8.75
South Perth Central 962 621 64.55 341 35.45 -3.28
South Perth North 1,503 987 65.67 516 34.33 -4.71
South Perth South 532 346 65.04 186 34.96 -1.54
Special Hospital Team 1 246 156 63.41 90 36.59 3.33
Special Hospital Team 2 379 237 62.53 142 37.47 2.31
T1 Domestic Perth Airport PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
T2 Domestic Perth Airport PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
T3 Domestic Perth Airport PPVC 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
Victoria Park 1,862 859 46.13 1,003 53.87 -2.43
Wilson 1,597 788 49.34 809 50.66 -2.38
ABSENT 5,589 2,822 50.49 2,767 49.51 0.00
PRE_POLL 5,041 2,911 57.75 2,130 42.25 0.00
POSTAL 7,841 4,718 60.17 3,123 39.83 0.00
PROVISIONAL 526 223 42.40 303 57.60 0.00
Division Total 84,137 44,333 52.69 39,804 47.31 -0.90

This table provides the full distribution of preferences by count for the division. The data includes the number and percentage of votes for each candidate at each count.


  1. These results are final.
Full distribution of preferences
Virginia Anne

This table provides the number and percentage of preferences to each two candidate preferred (TCP) candidate. The data includes which other candidate the preferences came from.


  1. Two candidate preferred or TCP is a count of the two leading candidates only. Votes are recorded for a particular candidate if the preference on the ballot paper for that candidate is higher than the alternative TCP candidate, regardless of other preferences. The TCP count ultimately determines who wins the seat.
  2. These results are final.
Two candidate preferred preference flow
Candidate Party IRONS, Steve
Australian Labor Party
Votes % Votes %
KLOMP, SteveAustralian Christians1,18381.5926718.41
THOMAS-WURTH, Virginia AnneAnimal Justice Party47236.2083263.80
CRAMER, LibertyThe Greens (WA)1,71816.578,64983.43
CHEHOFF, MichaelAustralia First Party13252.5911947.41
McLERNON, PeterUnited Australia Party1,04870.7243429.28
CHANG, Tshung-HuiPauline Hanson's One Nation1,20158.9383741.07
First Preferences 37,591 57.35 27,953 42.65
Total 44,333 52.69 39,804 47.31

Profile of division of Swan (WA)
Elected member Irons, S (LP). Elected 2007.
Name derivation Named after the Swan River. The river was named in 1697 by the Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh after the famous black swans of the area.
First proclaimed / election 2016/1901
Area 134 sq. kms
Demographic Inner Metropolitan
Pre-Election seat status Marginal
Seat status Marginal
Location Swan covers an area of approximately 134 sq km bordered by the Swan River in the north and west, the Canning River and the City of Canning in the south, and the Roe Highway, Great Eastern Highway and Perth Airport in the east. Suburbs include Ascot, Belmont, Burswood, Bentley, Cannington, Carlisle, Cloverdale, Como, East Cannington, East Victoria Park, Forrestfield (part), High Wycombe, Karawara, Kensington, Kewdale, Lathlain, Manning, Redcliffe, Rivervale, Perth Airport, Queens Park, Salter Point, South Guildford (part), South Perth, St James, Victoria Park, Waterford, Welshpool and Wilson.
Products and Industry Industries include education, tourism, recreation, light industry, commercial, retail and transport.