2019 Federal Election

Updated: Thu, 27 Jun 2019 11:39:52 AM AEST

Senate downloads

The download files are provided to allow you to create your own database or spreadsheet to further analyse the election results.


  1. The election result downloads have been provided in Microsoft Excel Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) format and Tab-Delimited-Value (TAB) format.
  2. Both of these file formats are text based and can be opened with a simple text editor program like Microsoft Notepad.
  3. The CSV format is most suited to working with spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel.
  4. The TAB format is most useful when you wish to import the election results into a database system.
  5. The best way to download a file depends on your computer, browser and security settings.
  6. These results are final.


First preferences & quota

Division first preferences by polling place

State first preferences by polling place

Distribution of preferences

Formal preferences

Votes, turnout & informal