2019 Federal Election

Updated: Thu, 06 Jun 2019 2:04:29 PM AEST

Sunshine GORTON PPVC - polling place

  • St Paul's Community Centre, 204 Glengala Rd, SUNSHINE WEST VIC 3020

This table shows the first preference votes for each candidate and group for the selected polling place within a division. In this table you will find...

  • the number and percentage of first preference votes received at the selected polling place, by each group and candidate
  • the number of formal and informal votes and the total number of votes received at the selected polling place.


  1. These results are final.


Polling place first preferences for Sunshine GORTON PPVC
Ticket Candidates Party Votes % Status
A Ticket Votes LIBERAL/THE NATIONALS 2,331 25.70
PATERSON, James Liberal 49 0.54 Elected
HUME, Jane Liberal 8 0.09 Elected
VAN, David Liberal 10 0.11 Elected
RANK, Anita The Nationals 1 0.01
HOPPITT, Kyle Liberal 1 0.01
MULCAHY, Julian Liberal 8 0.09
Group Total LIBERAL/THE NATIONALS 2,408 26.55
B Ticket Votes Republican Party of Australia 21 0.23
LUTZ, Geoff Republican Party of Australia 1 0.01
CONSANDINE, Peter Republican Party of Australia 1 0.01
Group Total Republican Party of Australia 23 0.25
C Ticket Votes Socialist Equality Party 37 0.41
PIETSCH, Tessa Socialist Equality Party 3 0.03
WARDLE, Jason John Bradley Socialist Equality Party 0 0.00
Group Total Socialist Equality Party 40 0.44
D Ticket Votes The Small Business Party 49 0.54
KEMP, Simon The Small Business Party 4 0.04
GRAHAM, Peter The Small Business Party 2 0.02
Group Total The Small Business Party 55 0.61
E Ticket Votes Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 80 0.88
PAYNE, Bob Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 2 0.02
MURPHY, Kevin Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 1 0.01
Group Total Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) 83 0.92
F Ticket Votes United Australia Party 327 3.60
THOOLEN, Catriona Cecilia United Australia Party 4 0.04
O'CONNOR, Katie Lucinda United Australia Party 5 0.06
McKAY, Roger United Australia Party 0 0.00
Group Total United Australia Party 336 3.70
G Ticket Votes Shooters, Fishers and Farmers 158 1.74
MUIR, Ricky Shooters, Fishers and Farmers 10 0.11
STOCK, Damian Shooters, Fishers and Farmers 0 0.00
Group Total Shooters, Fishers and Farmers 168 1.85
H Ticket Votes Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians! 28 0.31
AYTON, Philip John Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians! 2 0.02
KOMPARA, Monika Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians! 0 0.00
Group Total Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians! 30 0.33
I Ticket Votes Derryn Hinch's Justice Party 248 2.73
HINCH, Derryn Derryn Hinch's Justice Party 8 0.09
O'BRIEN, Simone Derryn Hinch's Justice Party 0 0.00
Group Total Derryn Hinch's Justice Party 256 2.82
J Ticket Votes Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party 141 1.55
HOOD, Frances Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party 3 0.03
GLADMAN, Heather Marie Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party 0 0.00
Group Total Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party 144 1.59
K Ticket Votes Citizens Electoral Council 13 0.14
ISHERWOOD, Craig Citizens Electoral Council 0 0.00
PEUT, Gabrielle Citizens Electoral Council 1 0.01
Group Total Citizens Electoral Council 14 0.15
L Ticket Votes Australian Democrats 26 0.29
COLLYER, David Australian Democrats 1 0.01
WILLIAMS, Marc Australian Democrats 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Democrats 27 0.30
M Ticket Votes Independents For Climate Action Now 13 0.14
WITTWER, Paul Independents For Climate Action Now 2 0.02
CORDNER HUNT, Kammy Independents For Climate Action Now 0 0.00
Group Total Independents For Climate Action Now 15 0.17
N Ticket Votes Liberal Democrats 94 1.04
KENNEDY, Robert Liberal Democrats 5 0.06
O'SULLIVAN, Kirsty Maree Liberal Democrats 0 0.00
Group Total Liberal Democrats 99 1.09
O Ticket Votes Secular Party of Australia 8 0.09
SULTAN, Harris Secular Party of Australia 1 0.01
PERKINS, John L Secular Party of Australia 0 0.00
Group Total Secular Party of Australia 9 0.10
P Ticket Votes Labour DLP 435 4.80
BOWDEN, Jennifer A Labour DLP 14 0.15
McCORMACK, Chris Labour DLP 0 0.00
BREAKWELL, Kathryn Labour DLP 0 0.00
Group Total Labour DLP 449 4.95
Q Ticket Votes Pauline Hanson's One Nation 215 2.37
HALLAM, James Pauline Hanson's One Nation 7 0.08
CAMERON, Ian John Pauline Hanson's One Nation 0 0.00
Group Total Pauline Hanson's One Nation 222 2.45
R Ticket Votes Pirate Party 24 0.26
BRIESE, Tania Pirate Party 0 0.00
SMITH, Shannon Pirate Party 0 0.00
Group Total Pirate Party 24 0.26
S Ticket Votes VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! 4 0.04
PERRY, Dustin VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! 1 0.01
CARRIE-WILSON, Seb VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! 0 0.00
Group Total VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! 5 0.06
T Ticket Votes Australian Workers Party 37 0.41
EVERARD, Narelle Australian Workers Party 1 0.01
GAYNOR, Kevin Joseph Australian Workers Party 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Workers Party 38 0.42
U Ticket Votes Animal Justice Party 159 1.75
SCHULTZ, Ben Animal Justice Party 6 0.07
McROSTIE, Fiona Animal Justice Party 0 0.00
Group Total Animal Justice Party 165 1.82
V Ticket Votes The Greens (VIC) 382 4.21
RICE, Janet The Greens (VIC) 14 0.15 Elected
SABARATNAM, Apsara The Greens (VIC) 0 0.00
PROCTOR, Claire The Greens (VIC) 1 0.01
THOMSON, Nakita The Greens (VIC) 0 0.00
BARNES, Alice The Greens (VIC) 1 0.01
CAMERON, Judy The Greens (VIC) 0 0.00
Group Total The Greens (VIC) 398 4.39
W Ticket Votes Rise Up Australia Party 12 0.13
CRESTANI, Rosalie Rise Up Australia Party 0 0.00
NALLIAH, Daniel Rise Up Australia Party 0 0.00
Group Total Rise Up Australia Party 12 0.13
X Ticket Votes Australian Labor Party 3,812 42.02
CICCONE, Raffaele Australian Labor Party 51 0.56 Elected
WALSH, Jess Australian Labor Party 8 0.09 Elected
MARSHALL, Gavin Australian Labor Party 8 0.09
SARWARA, Parvinder Australian Labor Party 4 0.04
DOUGLAS, Karen Australian Labor Party 4 0.04
CRAWFORD, Louise Australian Labor Party 8 0.09
Group Total Australian Labor Party 3,895 42.94
Y Ticket Votes Sustainable Australia 18 0.20
DOENSEN, Allan Sustainable Australia 2 0.02
WEARNE, Madeleine Sustainable Australia 1 0.01
Group Total Sustainable Australia 21 0.23
Z Ticket Votes   5 0.06
CHANDRA, Sunny   2 0.02
WHITEHILL, Robert   1 0.01
Group Total   8 0.09
AB Ticket Votes Australian Conservatives 32 0.35
BAILEY, Kevin Australian Conservatives 3 0.03
VAN STRIJP, Nina Australian Conservatives 1 0.01
THOMAS, Trent Australian Conservatives 0 0.00
Group Total Australian Conservatives 36 0.40
AC Ticket Votes The Great Australian Party 6 0.07
O'BRYAN, Darryl The Great Australian Party 0 0.00
EDWARDS, Helen Maxine The Great Australian Party 0 0.00
Group Total The Great Australian Party 6 0.07
AD Ticket Votes Health Australia Party 39 0.43
GOLDEN, Isaac Health Australia Party 1 0.01
HICKS, Andrew Health Australia Party 1 0.01
Group Total Health Australia Party 41 0.45
AE Ticket Votes Yellow Vest Australia 3 0.03
BROWN, Siobhann Yellow Vest Australia 0 0.00
FRANKLIN, Terri Yellow Vest Australia 0 0.00
Group Total Yellow Vest Australia 3 0.03
  BETTS, Kenneth Gordon Independent 2 0.02
DICKS, Max Independent 1 0.01
McINNIS, Murray Independent 2 0.02
MORRIS, Karl F Independent 0 0.00
Group Total   5 0.06
Formal 9,071 94.21  
Informal 558 5.79  
Total 9,629 8.72