2022 Federal Election
Updated: Fri, 01 Jul 2022 11:11:53 AM AEST
House of Representatives results
Candidates and seats
- Candidates
- Nominations by state
- Nominations by division
- Nominations by gender
- Party representation
- Members elected
- Seats that changed hands
- Seats decided on first preferences
- Seats decided on preferences
- Seat summary
- Non-classic divisions
- Political parties
First preferences, two candidate preferred and two party preferred
- First preferences by party
- First preferences by party and vote type
- First preferences and two party preferred by division
- Metropolitan first preferences by party
- Non-metropolitan first preferences by party
- Two party preferred by state
- Two party preferred by division
- Two party preferred by division by vote type
- Two party preferred preference flow
- Two candidate preferred preference flow
Divisional results
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory
- Northern Territory
Enrolment, informal, turnout and votes
- Enrolment by state
- Enrolment by division
- Informal votes by state
- Informal votes by division
- Turnout by state
- Turnout by division
- Votes by state
- Votes by division
- Vote type breakdown by state
- Declaration votes issued by state
- Declaration votes issued by division
- Declaration votes received by state
- Declaration votes received by division