2019 Federal Election

Updated: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 1:58:18 PM AEST

Two party preferred by division

This table shows the current two party preferred (TPP) results for all divisions nationally. The data includes the swing - a comparison of the current two party preferred votes by party compared to the previous federal election.

This table is sortable by selecting on column headers.


  1. The Queensland two party preferred (TPP) count represents the aggregation of TPP counts in individual divisions.
  2. TPP is a count of House of Representatives votes for the two major parties - Liberal/National Coalition and Australian Labor Party - without taking into account preferences for other parties.
  3. These results are final.


Two party preferred by division for Queensland
Division State Liberal/National Coalition Australian Labor Party Total Swing
Votes % Votes %
Blair QLD 46,802 48.79 49,123 51.21 95,925 +6.93
Bonner QLD 54,072 57.41 40,115 42.59 94,187 +4.02
Bowman QLD 59,237 60.24 39,102 39.76 98,339 +3.17
Brisbane QLD 55,995 54.92 45,962 45.08 101,957 -1.08
Capricornia QLD 55,475 62.35 33,492 37.65 88,967 +11.72
Dawson QLD 57,405 64.61 31,446 35.39 88,851 +11.24
Dickson QLD 52,968 54.64 43,980 45.36 96,948 +2.95
Fadden QLD 62,387 64.18 34,825 35.82 97,212 +2.94
Fairfax QLD 61,944 63.44 35,696 36.56 97,640 +2.57
Fisher QLD 62,100 62.70 36,948 37.30 99,048 +3.55
Flynn QLD 52,472 58.66 36,985 41.34 89,457 +7.62
Forde QLD 53,635 58.60 37,899 41.40 91,534 +7.97
Griffith QLD 46,958 47.14 52,659 52.86 99,617 -1.43
Groom QLD 67,274 70.48 28,174 29.52 95,448 +5.17
Herbert QLD 53,641 58.36 38,276 41.64 91,917 +8.38
Hinkler QLD 59,384 64.50 32,683 35.50 92,067 +6.12
Kennedy QLD 59,319 64.51 32,629 35.49 91,948 +7.77
Leichhardt QLD 48,638 54.17 41,147 45.83 89,785 +0.22
Lilley QLD 47,688 49.36 48,917 50.64 96,605 +5.04
Longman QLD 53,037 53.28 46,512 46.72 99,549 +4.07
Maranoa QLD 69,961 75.42 22,799 24.58 92,760 +7.88
McPherson QLD 57,545 62.20 34,976 37.80 92,521 +0.56
Moncrieff QLD 60,079 65.36 31,840 34.64 91,919 +0.75
Moreton QLD 43,597 48.10 47,045 51.90 90,642 +2.12
Oxley QLD 39,473 43.61 51,050 56.39 90,523 +2.62
Petrie QLD 59,331 58.40 42,266 41.60 101,597 +6.75
Rankin QLD 36,971 43.56 47,893 56.44 84,864 +4.86
Ryan QLD 54,023 56.03 42,403 43.97 96,426 -2.95
Wide Bay QLD 59,279 63.15 34,593 36.85 93,872 +4.96
Wright QLD 62,571 64.58 34,322 35.42 96,893 +4.96
Queensland 1,653,261 58.44 1,175,757 41.56 2,829,018 +4.34
National 7,344,813 51.53 6,908,580 48.47 14,253,393 +1.17